Daily Schedule
Preparation Day

Why should we "spread [our] planning and study activities throughout the day"? (Sample Daily Schedule, Missionary Standards 2.4.2)

"...to avoid spending long periods of time in your apartment."

- Missionary Standards 2.4.2


What does "P-Day" stand for?



When should we do personal study?

6:30 a.m.

Begin the day.

6:30–10:00 a.m.


Exercise (30 minutes).

Shower, eat breakfast, and prepare for the day.

Have personal study (60 minutes).

Plan (30 minutes).

- Missionary Standards 2.4.2 "Sample Daily Schedule"


When are people we find and teach most likely to be home?

For most people, after work. This is often from 5:00-9:00pm.

"The right activity, at the right time and in the right location, can help you find people to teach."

- Preach My Gospel Ch. 9, Expand Your Vision of Planning to Find, pg. 163


What is the purpose of preparation day?

Preparation day allows you time to refresh physically, spiritually, and emotionally as you “stand as witnesses of God at all times and in all things, and in all places” (Mosiah 18:9). It will also provide you and your companion with opportunities to be with other missionaries in your district and to enjoy wholesome recreational activities together (see 3.6). 

- Missionary Standards 2.5 "Preparation Day"


Why do we study the Gospel as missionaries?


Missionary Standards 2.4.4

Study Sessions

"...your personal and companion study time... can strengthen your knowledge and testimony of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ and help you prepare to meet the needs of those you teach."


What is the principle of "Prime Time"?

Prime Time: The hours when people in your area are most likely to be home and available to meet/talk with you.

- Area Presidency


What do we do on preparation days?

Missionary Standards 2.5.1

Preparation Day Activities

Preparation day activities may include (but are not limited to) the following:

  • Communicating with your family, mission president, and friends (see 3.9)

  • Doing laundry

  • Getting haircuts and other personal grooming

  • Cleaning

  • Shopping

  • Resting

  • Participating in approved recreational activities (see 3.6)


What makes an effective language study?

Study the phrases/constructions you need to communicate with those you teach that day

This implies holding language study before lessons/visits.

Make Your Study Meaningful

"Apply what you study to real-life situations and in your daily activities. Focus on language that will help you say what you need to say."

Learn New Concepts Thoroughly

"Review regularly what you have studied, and practice it in new situations. This will help you recall and apply what you are learning."

"Balance your language study between long-term goals for creating a language foundation and short-term goals for specific activities and people you are teaching."

- Preach My Gospel Ch. 7, Learn Your Mission Language


What is the best time to call/text those we teach?

"Be kind, positive, and uplifting. Be thoughtful of each person’s situation, asking yourself questions such as these:

  • Is it too late or early to contact this person? Would this inappropriately interrupt family or personal time?"

- Missionary Standards 3.1, Christlike Behavior


What time do all preparation day activities end?

Note: All preparation day activities should be completed by 6:00 p.m.

- Missionary Standards, 2.5.2


What is our focus in additional companion study?

"The purpose of additional companion study is to provide more time for new missionaries to build on what was learned at missionary training centers. As you participate in additional study, you are better able to understand and apply the principles of missionary work found in the scriptures and Preach My Gospel."

- Preach My Gospel, Introduction