This article creates the legislative branch of the federal government.
Article I
Legislative branch
This amendment ensures that no U.S. soldiers, sailors, or any other members of the federal armed forces will stay in your house during peace time.
3rd Amendment
This amendment ensures you have the right to say what you want, believe what you want, write what you want, and assemble when you want.
1st Amendment.
California wishes to have its own flag, have its own education policy, its own police force, its own speed limits, and its own laws. This amendment is the...
10th Amendment.
Article III
The legislative branch is also known by this formal name.
This amendment ensures that whatever is not covered in the federal constitution is the responsibility of a U.S. state.
10th Amendment
This amendment ensures you have the right to bear arms in a regulated militia of self-defense.
2nd Amendment.
The president orders the arrest of people that openly disagree with their policies. This would be a violation of what?
1st Amendment.
This article creates the Presidency and the rest of the executive branch.
Article II
The President needs to be how old to assume office?
This amendment ensures you have the right to remain silent and not incriminate yourself, as well as protect you from being tried for the same crime twice.
5th Amendment
This Amendment ensures you have the right to a lawyer, a speedy trial with an impartial jury for a criminal trial.
6th Amendment.
A man is in a lawsuit with their former employer, demanding compensation for being injured on the job and not getting money for it. This is covered by the...
7th Amendment.
The two branches of the legislative branch are called...
The House of Representative and Senate
How many members are there in both the House of Representatives and the Senate?
435 in the House
100 in the Senate
535 in total
This amendment ensures that the police will need a warrant to search your premises.
4th Amendment.
This amendment ensures you have the right to a trial with an impartial jury during a civil trial, and that a judge cannot overturn a jury's decision.
7th Amendment.
A man is arrested for stealing a Cybertruck and crashing it into a house. He is charged with stealing and destruction of property, but is not given a trial. This is a violation of the...
6th Amendment.
The highest court in the judicial branch is the
Supreme Court
How many members are there in the Supreme Court?
This amendment ensures you are protected against cruel and unusual punishments, as well as from being charges excessive bail.
8th Amendment
This amendment ensures you have other rights that are not listed within the federal constitution.
9th Amendment.
California demands that every person begins to wear green for the rest of the month under the face of prosecution. This is primarily a violation of the...
9th Amendment.