Final Jeopardy

A blueprint indicates that special mechanical fasteners are to be used to install a series of different size panels. There are 8 panels with each requiring a different number of fasteners. Here are the numbers of fasteners required: 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, and 36. What is the total number required?

What is 176 fasteners?


There are 587 tons of stone on the job. A large stone crew installs 119 tons the first month. Another smaller crew installs 35 more in the same month. How many tons of stone are remaining on the job site?

What is 433 tons?


A team of 4 Marble Masons can install 24 large panels in a working day. How many panels can they install in 14 working days?

What is 336 panels?


A truck delivering equipment to a distant job site travels 468 miles in 9 hours. At what speed is the truck being driven?

What is 52 mph?


A Bricklayer apprentice works 3 shifts at 8 hours per shift (Monday to Wednesday), and then works 3 10-hour shifts, the last one on Saturday of the same pay week. If overtime after 8 hours is paid at double the effective rate, and weekends and holidays are also double time, what is the total equivalent straight time hours the apprentice should receive for this work week? What is his/her pay before taxes if wages were $36/hr?

What is 40 hours? What is $2,592? (40 x 36) + (4 x 72) + (8 x 72) + (2 x 144).


A rectangular piece of Bluestone measures 18" on the two long sides and 12" on the two short sides. What is the perimeter of the plate?

What is 60"?


On Friday, the apprentice receives a paycheck. After taxes, there is $620. The apprentice has to pay union dues of $30, gas for the car for $35, car insurance for $227, and groceries for $174. How much money was left until next week?

What is $154?


According to the blueprint, 18 anchors are needed at each of 28 column connections. What is the total number of anchors needed?

What is 504 anchors?


A Cement Mason receives a gross paycheck of $1,800. This check represents 5 working days at 8 hours per day. How much is the Cement Mason paid per hour?

What is $45 per hour?


Convert 16 5/16" to a decimal format using the indicated unit of measurement. Round the answer off to four decimal places, when necessary.

What is 16.3125"?

On Monday, an apprentice installed 230 - 3" X 3" tile and 120 - 4" x 4" tile. Tuesday, the apprentice installed 370 - 3" x 3" tile, Wednesday: 364 - 4" x 4" tile, Thursday: 430 - 3" x 3" tile, and on Friday: 411 - 4" x 4" tile. What is the total number of tile the apprentice installed during the week?

What is 1925 tiles?


The distance around a piece of stone (the perimeter) is to be 36". Three of the sides measure 10", 10", and 8". What is the length of the remaining side?

What is 8"?


What is the perimeter of this hexagon if each side measures 125 millimeters?

What is 750mm?


A 40-piece bundle of 4 x 4 x 1/4" x 10' angle weighs 2,400 pounds. How much would one angle weigh?

What is 60 pounds?


Convert 25' 7 1/4" to a decimal of a foot. Round the answer off to four decimal places, when necessary.

What is 25.6042'?


A template needs to be fabricated that will hold in place 8 clips to be welded in the same location on each floor of the building. The center-to-center distances of these clips are 27", 33", 37", 44", 39", 34", and 25". What is the length of the template from the center of the first clip to the center of the last clip?

What is 239"


A Plasterer gets 15 minutes to clean up his/her area on company time, and the normal shift ends at 4:00 p.m. It is now 3:20 p.m. How many minutes must the Plasterer continue working before starting to pack up?

What is 25 minutes?


Two apprentices shake out 247 #5 reinforcing bars that are 22' long. Each bar weighs 2 pounds per foot. HOw much do all of the bars weigh together?

What is 10,868 pounds?


A starting apprentice needs 650 hours of work to become insured under the union's plan. How many complete 40-hour weeks will have to be worked before the apprentice is insured?

What is 17 weeks?


Convert 2.143" to a fraction format. Use the indicated unit of measurement. Use sixteenths as the denominator of the fraction of an inch.

What is 2 1/8"?


A BAC apprentice works 8 hours on Monday, 9 hours on Tuesday, 6 hours on Wednesday, 2 hours on Thursday (rained out), and 8 hours on Friday. What should the apprentice expect to see on the weekly check for the total number of hours worked? How much will he/she get paid at $27/hr?

What is 33 hours and $891/week?


A BAC (Bricklayers and Allied Craftworkers) Craftworker can retire with a full pension when 85 points have been accumulated (points being age of the member plus years of active service). If the member starts at age 18 and works until age 50, how many points will have been accumulated?

What is 82 points?


What is the total estimated labor cost to install 40 units of epoxy terrazzo if it takes 3 terrazzo mechanics 4 hours each to install a unit, and the hourly rate is $45?

What is $21,600?


An apprentice worked 9 days straight at the same location. According to the truck's odometer, the apprentice drove 774 miles. If the only driving was to and from work, how far was it to work (one way)?

What is 43 miles from home?


Convert 41.45' to feet, inches, and a fraction of an inch. Use thirty-seconds as the denominator of the fraction. Reduce to lowest term.

What is 41' 5 13/32"?