C and D forces
Controlling Forces

An area of new land at the mouth of a river, formed from sediments carried by the river.

What is a river delta?


The process of MOVING sediment by wind, MOVING water, or MOVING ice

What is erosion?


Where would you most likely find a delta?

Near the mouth of a river.


What comes out of a volcano? What happens when it cools?

Lava Igneous Rock forms


Which of these actions can BEST limit the erosion of coastal dunes?

A) planting grass on the dunes

B) building groins across the dunes

C) removing animals from the dunes

D) removing sand from the ocean floor to the dunes

A) planting grass on the dunes

WHY? The roots of the grass helps to hold the sand in place.


This landform is created when two tectonic plates collide and one pushes up through the earth's crust : Convergent Plates



What is weathering?

The process of breaking down rock by natural water, ice, wind, or living things.


Why do sand dunes most likely form by an ocean?

Water and wind can both move sand. Sand dunes form where the wind is strong and the sand deposits are plentiful. That is why the beach is the perfect location for them!


Which is one way that gravity causes erosion?

A) by expanding frozen water

B) by forming cracks in the ground

C) by causing rivers to flow downhill

D) by scraping pieces of rock together

C) by causing rivers to flow downhill

A) by expanding frozen water- weathering (breaking rock)

B) by forming cracks in the ground- weathering (breaking rock)

D) by scraping pieces of rock together- weathering (breaking down of rock)


Which technology helps prevent the flooding of roads during heavy rainstorms?

A) groin

B) sea wall

C) storm drain

D) seismograph

C) storm drain


Which event can cause a mountain to form over time?

A) a river floods

B) a glacier melts

C) a volcano erupts

D) a river slows down at its mouth

C) a volcano erupts


Which is washed away mostly by erosion?

A) top soil

B) subsoil

C) bedrock

D) magma

A) top soil


How is moving water a destructive process?

Water carries away broken rock/sediment. 

Water can break down rocks into sediment.

Rain water can freeze inside a rock, causing the water to expand, and crack the rock.


What does a seismograph do?

Measures the earth's vibrations to track and predict earthquakes.

What kind of change is breaking chalk into little pieces?
Physical Change

A student argues that a constructive process changed Earth's surface in a park near his home.

Which surface feature could the student use as evidence for his argument?

A) a canyon

B) a moraine

C) a U-shaped valley

D) a crack in Earth's crust

B) a glacial moraine

Moraines are the build up of dirt and rocks that have fallen onto the glacier surface or have been pushed along by the glacier as it moves.


Which phrase describes a kind of weathering?

A) wind blowing sand from dune to dune

B) ocean waves dropping sand on a beach

C) tree roots breaking into smaller pieces

D) a river carrying sediment across a valley floor

C) tree roots breaking into smaller pieces

WHY? Weathering is the breaking down of rocks and other particles


How do floods change Earth's surface?

A) They form wide cracks in the ground.

B) They cause weathering of ocean cliffs.

C) They build up sediment to form deltas.

D) They cause erosion and deposition in areas near rivers.

D) They cause erosion and deposition in areas near rivers.

A) They form wide cracks in the ground.- EARTHQUAKES

B) They cause weathering of ocean cliffs.- WATERFALLS

C) They build up sediment to form deltas.- RIVERS entering into another body of water


How did Hawaii form?

Cooling lava from erupting volcanoes created more land on the islands of Hawaii.

The smallest possible particle of any substance

Deposition of sediments can change the depth of a lake over time. 

A student wants to make a model that shows how this process takes place. Which model would provide data about changes in the depth of a lake caused by deposition? 

A. Fill a beaker with water. Slowly allow the water to evaporate from the beaker. Measure the change in the depth of the water. 

B. Fill a beaker with water. Slowly drop sand, gravel, and dead plant material into the beaker. Measure the change in the depth of the water.

C. Fill a plastic box with water. Put a hose in the water on one end of the box and turn the water on to a slow flow. Measure the depth of the water when the box is full. 

D. Fill a plastic box with sand, gravel, and dead plant material. Put a hose in the middle of the box and turn the water on to a slow flow. Measure the depth of the water when the box is full.

B. Fill a beaker with water. Slowly drop sand, gravel, and dead plant material into the beaker. Measure the change in the depth of the water. 


Which statement BEST describes weathering by a glacier?

A) It is a constructive process because it involves gravity.

B) It is a constructive process because it builds up Earth's surface.

C) It is a destructive process because it wears down Earth's surface.

D) It is a destructive process because it moves rock material from one place to another.

C) It is a destructive process because it wears down Earth's surface.


What type of rain is especially destructive?

Acid Rain


Explain how volcanoes can be both constructive and destructive forces?

Destructive- An erupted volcano will destroy anything in its path: buildings, houses, animals, people, trees, etc...

Constructive- The lava from a volcano can cool and harden. When this process is repeated over hundreds of years, islands can form.

Allie's mom has red hair, which is a recessive trait. Her dad has brown hair, which is a dominant trait. What color hair does Allie have?