Sloterdijk (1987): “Modern cynicism has lost its potency as enlightened and substantial critique of, and thereby resistance to, ideology.” True or false?
What is the name of the author of the article “Can consumers escape the market?”
Robert V. Kozinets
Which of the two movements claim that consumption is a separate phenomenon to production?
Who wrote No Logo?
Naomi Klein
In which year was Lund University officially founded?
What is the name of the Swedish online community where the netnography has been carried out?
For what stands the „No vending role“?
It forbids any type of selling by participants of the festival.
Name one type of postmodernism
Celebratory postmodernism
Critical postmodernism
Liberatory postmodernism
What is the difference between boycott and buycott?
Boycott: refuse to buy products from/interact with a company
Buycotts: (the opposite of boycott), buy from brand because you believe in their political standpoint
After which alcoholic beverage is Luisa’s dog named?
How did the Scandinavian cultural context influence the participant’s answers?
Scandinavian, socio-democratic, egalitarian context → important not to stand out. Some express that this may create a culture of jealousy where people find it very hard to be positive about other people’s success in achieving and sustaining a higher standard of living.
What means the term hypercommunity?
The phenomenon of a well-organized, short-lived but caring and sharing community whose explicit attraction to participants is its promise of an intense but temporary community experience
Do the authors of the article define themselves as celebratory postmodernists, critical postmodernists or liberatory postmodernists?
Liberatory Postmodernists
What is ad-busting?
The act of destroying or altering eg. a billboard
Name all the nationalities present on stage.
Sweden, Germany, Finland, Italy.
Which are the three main instances of cynicism that the participants displayed on the online platform?
Cynicism towards the market; cynicism towards others; cynicism towards the self.
What is meant by “distancing by keeping the market in mind”?
o Keeping the negative qualities of the market in mind is a way to discursively discharge them, an attempt to neutralize their power through continual cultural discourse
o The result is a pathologizing dialectic in which an isolating consumer culture spread by exploitative large corporations sickens and undermines the norms of a caring, sharing, and civilly engaged community
How is modernism named in the fields of Art and Architecture?
What is one of the negative effects of social media in regards to Political consumerism?
It is overwhelming, it too much
Has made activism short-lived and fragmented
How many tattoos do we have in total?
Mention the two reasons why cynicism is brought in for an understanding of consumer morality?
Cynicism was originally an ancient Greek philosophy of morality that informed people of the principles for living a good, free and happy life.
The modern version of cynicism is most helpful in unpacking complexities, conflicts and contradictions in people’s morality.
Give three examples of altering social relations with alternative modes of exchange.
1. Gift giving, 2. decommodifying, sacralizing and enhancing community, 3. Personalizing and reducing social isolation, 4. Competition and reciprocation in gift giving and 5. Creating community through changing exchange
Name two of the founders of Modernism
Science and Positivists
Adam Smith
Name one of the dimensions of consumer resistance
Altering meaning/Altering Marketing Mix
Who among us broke his/her arm three times?