Credit & Loans
Bank Accounts & Transactions
Financial Management & Budgeting
Savings & Interest
Reconciliation & Credit Management

What is a credit card used for?

help buy things now and pay for them later


What is different about a savings account and a checking account?

savings accounts help you save money and earn interest, while checking accounts are used for spending money


How often should you check your bank account and compare it to your register?

every month


What happens when you leave money in a savings account for a long time?

earn interest, and your money grows


What should you do if the money in your bank account register doesn't match your bank statement?

check for mistakes or ask the bank for help


What is a credit report?

document that shows how well you have paid back money you borrowed


What can you do with an ATM or debit card?

take out money from your bank account or buy things with it


What happens if you use an ATM that isn’t your bank?

might have to pay a fee


 Why is it important to save money for the future?

to be able to buy things you need later or handle emergencies


Why is it important to keep track of your credit history?

it helps lenders know if you are likely to pay back money you borrow


What do you need when you apply for a credit card?

your name, address, and information about your income


What is compound interest?

when you earn interest on both the money you save and the interest you already earned


What is credit utilization?

how much of your credit limit you are using


What do you do in a bank account register?

write down every time you put money in or take money out of the account


How does interest affect how much money you have to pay back on a loan?

it makes the loan cost more money over time


Why do people take out loans?

to borrow money for something they need or want, like a house or car


Why do people use a checking account?

to keep track of the money they spend every day


What do you need to do when you apply for a credit card?

show that you have a job and can pay back the money


What’s the difference between using an ATM card and a debit card?

debit card is for buying things, and an ATM card is for taking out cash


What happens if you pay your credit card bill on time?

it helps build a good credit history


What credit score do you need to get approved for a loan?

usually a score of 650 or higher


How does writing down everything you spend in a bank register help you?

it helps you know how much money you have left and avoid spending too much


What’s a good way to avoid getting into credit card debt?

only use the credit card for emergencies and always pay the full balance


Why are interest rates important when saving money or taking out a loan?

higher interest rates mean you earn more money in your savings or pay more for loans


What’s a good way to avoid spending more money than you have in your bank account?

keep track of your spending and always make sure you have enough money in your account