What is traditional economy?
Small communities, families, and tribes. Hunter-gatherer societies revolve around small tribes and local communities.
What is culture?
Rules and laws passed from one generation to the next. It is the way of life
What is Urbanization?
The growth of cities
What is the Columbian Exchange?
Exchange of goods, ideas, and resources between the old world and the new world: Animals, plants, Cultures, and diseases.
What is the middle passage?
An 8-week voyage across the Atlantic transporting slaves from Africa.
What is a command economy?
The government or rulers controlled the country's economy, and the government made all the decisions.
What is a tribe?
A large group of native americans have language, culture, and geography in common.
What is colonization?
the action or process of settling among and establishing control over the indigenous people of an area.
What is the white man's burden?
Europeans felt superior to the natives and that the western culture development advanced and education was needed.
What originated in Europe?
What is mixed economy?
Decisions are made by individuals or the open market. People choose freely what to buy or sell.
What is imperialism?
The spread of a country's influence by force
What is mercantilism?
The government controls the economic goal of selling more than you buy. make the country wealthier and more selficient.
What were some social impacts of globalization and the Columbian Exchange?
Native Americans died from diseases. Attacks by Spanish conquistadors killed thousands in Central and South America. The Inca population went from 13 million to 2 million
What originated in the Americas?
sugar, cotton, lumber, furs, tobacco
What is market economy?
Decisions are made by individuals or the open market. People choose freely what to buy or sell.
What is migration?
Is the movement of a person from their usual residence either across international borders or within a state.
What is cultural diffusion?
Spread of the belifs and social activites of one culture to another.
What were some economic impacts of globalization and the Columbian Exchange?
New industries: Cattle ranching, coffee growing and roasting. Increase in trade. Horses impacted military engagement and transportation culture.
What diseases did natives have no immunity to?
small pocks
chicken pox
What is forced migration?
Forced displacement or involuntary migration. Individuals or groups have little or no choice.
What is trans-Atlantic slave trade?
A transatlantic trading network develops and is prompted mainly by the "slave trade"
How did the world change due to the Columbian Exchange and globalization?
The Columbian Exchange changed the world and globalization by giving us new crops and livestock. That led to changed diets. We have trading between countries and cultures.
What are push and pull factors?
Push: encourage a population to leave its home.
Practice of slave trade. Raids by Africans and Europeans.
Pull: Those that draw a population to a new place or area. God, glory, and gold. exotic goods and trade routes. Place for explores to migrate.