LESSON 9: How can we get something to do as much damage as possible in a
LESSON 10: How do different amounts of force on an object change its motion?
LESSON 11: How does a force change the motion of something that has a little mass
compared to something that has a lot of mass?
ESSON 12: How do we get a massive object moving as fast as possible?
LESSON 13: How can I save my phone from destruction?

How did we change the speed of our cart each time it collided with the graham cracker?

We increased force.


What happens to the change in motion of an object as the net force increases?



Objects of greater mass need a ________ force to achieve the same speed as an object with less mass.



Define kinetic energy.

The energy of motion


What happens to the length of a force arrow as the force increases?

it increases


How did we increase the mass of our cart each time it collided with the graham cracker?

We added more washers.


What is the sum of all the forces called?

Net force


The effect of the applied force changes with the _____ of the object,



Moving objects have _____ energy, and the speed and mass of objects are related to the energy of objects.



When drawing forces of equal magnitudes (strength) the arrows should be ________ length



Which two variables can increase damage to an object during a collision?

Mass and speed


When you raced two carts of different masses side by side with the same amount of force, which cart finished first? Why?

The cart with less mass finished first, because the effect of the applied force is greater on objects with less mass than objects with more mass


The same net force makes a more massive stationary object speed up _______ and a less massive stationary object speed up more



Both ____ and _____ matter for destructiveness, but it would be really hard to have both at the same time because it takes a lot of force to get something really massive to change its motion a lot

mass, speed


Small forces over (longer, shorter) distances can have the same effect changing the motion of objects as (larger, smaller) forces over shorter distances.

longer, larger


What is the independent variable, dependent variable and control variable, in the lab where we increased the speed of our cart and it crashed into the graham cracker?

Independent variable-speed

dependent variable - damage done to the graham cracker.

control variable-mass of the cart, distance from the front of the cart to the graham cracker.


What happens to the change in motion of a grocery cart  if we increase the force exerted on the grocery cart?

it increases


As you increase the number of groceries in your cart, assuming you push with a constant force for the duration of your grocery trip, the change in motion of the cart will ________ as you continue to shop.



It requires ______ force to get something with more mass to change its motion from 0 to a fast speed.



What did different types of foam look like under a microscope?

many layers of material with air in between those layers.


What is the independent variable, dependent variable and control variable, in the lab where we increased the mass of our cart and it crashed into the graham cracker?

Independent variable-mass of the cart

dependent variable - damage done to the graham cracker.

control variable-speed of the cart, distance from the front of the cart to the graham cracker.


What is the independent variable, dependent variable and control variable, in the lab where we increased raced two cars of different masses using the same force?

Independent variable-mass of the cart

dependent variable - change in the motion of the carts

control variable-force of the spring scale on the carts, distance from the front of the cart to the finish line.


Define independent variable, dependent variable, and control variable

Independent variable- what you change each trial in your experiment

dependent variable- the change in your experiment caused by the independent variable

control variable- variables you need to keep the same throughout your trials


The same object moving at ________ speeds does different amounts of damage in collisions; _______ motion equals more damage.

different, faster


How does foam material protect your phone?

Many microscopic layers change a large force into  small forces over a long distance, that act on your phone, that prevent the material your phone is made of from surpassing its elastic limit.