Foreign Policy

On this day a French cruiser bombed Haiphong, killing 6,000 people and starting a war with Vietnam

What is November of 1946?


President Truman saw the invasion of South Korea as a direct test of what document that then became policy

What is document NSC-68?


This policy exploded into a crisis in the spring of 1963

What is "Sink or swim with Diem"?


The U.S sided with this country in the Vietnam conflict in their best interest of the European alliance 

What is France?


The February 6th 1965 attack of U.S troops at the base of Pleiku was the cause of this response that deepened the U.S involvement in the Vietnam War 

What is air raids?


This leader had little knowledge on foreign policy but believed it always meant patriotism and bipartisanship

Who is LBJ?


The year 1967 saw Vietnamese activist speak out against U.S presence via this mode

What is Anti-American Protests?


The U.S gave this nation 20 million dollars in aid towards a conflict erupted by the desire to maintain colonies in Indochina 

What is France?


In August of 1964, two U.S. destroyers in this gulf area radioed that they had been fired upon by North Vietnamese forces.

What is the Gulf of Tonkin?


This behaviour allowed President Kennedy to practice new strategies of 'flexible response' due to their involvement in Vietnam

What is Soviet Aggression?