Chemical Contaminants
Physical Contaminants
The Deliberate Contamination of Food
Food Allergens
These are responsible for many cases of foodborne illness.
What are chemical contaminants?
This is the result when objects get into food or natural objects are left in the food.
What is physical contamination?
A _____ ______ program should deal with points in your operation where food is at risk.
What is food defense?
A ______ ______ is the body's negative reaction to a particular food protein.
What is food allergy?
Eggs and peanuts are dangerous for people who have ______ ________.
What is food allergies?
This is found it pewter, which can be used to make pitchers and other tableware.
What is lead?
This can become a physical contamination if a fish fillet is not prepared correctly and this natural object is left in the fillet.
What are fish bones?
In addition to biological, chemical, and physical contaminants, _____________ materials are also a concern.
What is radioactive?
When attempting to prevent allergic reactions, _______ staff should be able to describe dishes, identify ingredients, and suggest simple menu items.
What is service?
Cooking tomato sauce in a copper pot may cause this foodborne illness.
What is toxic-metal poisoning?
This is sometimes found in cookware, such as pots and pans.
What is Copper?
This can become a physical contaminant if a can is not opened with care.
What is metal shavings?
In addressing food defense threats in your operation, things such as verifying the identity of applicants (such as checking references), and not allowing one employee to be alone in food preparation areas, would fall in the _________ elements category.
What is human?
When attempting to prevent allergic reactions, ______ staff must ensure that allergens are not transferred from food containing, an allergen to the food served to the customer.
What is kitchen?
Milk and dairy products, eggs and egg products, fish and shellfish, wheat, soy and soy products, and peanuts and tree nuts are all common food ________.
What is allergens?
This can be caused if acidic food is stored in or prepared with equipment containing metals such as zinc, lead, or copper.
What is toxic-metal poisoning?
_____, _____, and _____ can become physical contaminants if good personal hygiene is not observed carefully.
What is fingernails, hair, and bandages?
When considering the deliberate contamination of food, these people are the ones who would knowingly contaminate food. (You only need one)
What is terrorists, activists, current or former employees, vendors, and competitors?
_____-_________ occurs when allergens are transferred from food containing an allergen to the food served to the customer.
What is cross-contact?
Human elements, building interior, and building exterior are three points that a _____ ______ program should focus on to prevent possible threats to food.
What is food defense?
Storing chemicals away from food and items used to prepare food, following manufacturers' directions when using chemicals, using care when using chemicals while food is being prepared, always marking chemical containers CLEARLY, and only using lubricants that are made for food equipment.
What are guidelines to prevent chemical contaminants?
_______ from cartons may become physical contaminants if care is not taken.
What are staples?
Limiting access to doors, windows, roofs, and food-storage areas would fall in the category of ______ elements when addressing food defense threats in your operation.
What is interior?
_______, ________, and _________ are three symptoms that could occur when someone has a negative reaction to a particular food protein. (Eight possible answers)
What is itching in and around the mouth, face, or scalp, tightening in the throat, wheezing or shortness of breath, hives, swelling of the face, eyes, hands, or feet, abdominal cramps, vomiting, or diarrhea, loss of consciousness, or death?
_______ is the best discussion leader you have had in this class.
What is Danielle?