Government Performance and Accountability
Program Planning and Evaluation in Human Services
Program Planning Principles
Evaluating Program Effectiveness

This 1993 act was reasserted by the federal Office of Management and Budget to hold agencies accountable for reporting their performance to Congress.

What is the Government Performance and Results Act of 1993 (GPRA)? 


This framework was originally introduced in the 1960s and 70s to optimize the process of evaluating programs that were federally funded, and is now the federal government's primary way of thinking about programs.  

What is the Logic Model? 


This process involves assessing a program in order to get a clear idea of what issue is to be addressed, to analyze the severity of the issue at the entry and exist of the program, and come up with short and long range outcomes. 

What is Effectiveness-based program planning? 


This type of budgeting system only provides data on costs, and does not address any outputs or outcomes. 

What is a Line-Item Budgeting System?


This organization is responsible for setting the financial and accounting reporting standards for the U.S state and local governments. 

What is the Governmental Accounting Standards Board? 


This type of logical model is based on the theory of change, and focused on how and why a program will achieve its specific outcomes. 

What is the Theory Approach Logic Model? 


This is the first step in effectiveness-based program planning.

What is Defining Programs? 


These are the three specific budgeting systems that effectiveness based program planning requires to be used.

What is Line-item, Performance, and Program? 


This is a prearranged set of activities designed to achieve a stated set of goals and objectives (Netting et al., 2017).

What is a program? 


This term refers to more than just a geographical area, it refers to the variety of ethnic populations that may require traditional service programs to adapt and change. 

What is Community? 


This is required when there is a problem that has certain needs to be addressed. 

What is Needs Assessment? 


This is a very important feature of effectiveness based program planning, focusing on providing data on how the program's success related to the expectations for the program.

What is Program Evaluation?


This assessment states that evidence required by management needs to be reliably produced, realistic to collect, and can be expected to impact performance, in order for a program to be evaluable. 

Evaluability Assessment


This can be characterized as the amount of outputs a service provides as opposed to how much it inputs. 

What is Efficiency? 


These statements provide the foundation for developing specific goals and objectives.

What is Program Hypotheses?


Carillo (2005) found that this was very underutilized in human service agencies.

What is Management Information? 


A process by which the "practitioner combines well-researched interventions with clinical experience, ethics, client preferences, and culture to guide and inform the delivery of treatments and services" (National Association of Social Workers [NASW], 2012). 

What is evidence-based practice? 

This can be defined as the how successful the outcomes are as a result of the program services provided. 

What is Effectiveness? 

This is a critical part of the planning and management of all programs.

What is Program Design?