Light and Sound
Logical Thinking

It's physical quantity determines how fast or slow a motion is. It's calculated by dividing the distance travelled by the time needed to travel that distance. It does not account for the direction of the motion.

What is speed?


It's the force that exists due to the contact of any two objects, due to the imperfections in each surface. This is the force we use to walk and it's the reason why everyday objects stop moving eventually.

What is friction?

It's the most common type of energy on our daily lives - so much so that we usually call it just "energy". It's related to the motion of electrons and it's what power the light bulbs in this room, the air conditioner, and even how our brain communicates with our muscles.

What is electrical energy?


It's the sound characteristic that has to do with the way a sound is produced. It's the reason why the same exactly musical note on a piano and on a guitar sound different and why people have different voices.

What is timbre?

It can't shoot arrows like the others but I can be seen in the sky on occasion.

What is a rainbow?


It's a physical quantity that determines the change in speed over time. In other words, it determines if the motion became faster or slower. It's the actual reason why high speed sports like Formula 1 are so dangerous.

What is acceleration?


It's a law that states that every objects continues in its state of motion until an unbalanced force acts on it.

What is the Law of Inertia?
(or Newton's First Law)


It's the type of energy stored inside the atoms, between protons and neutrons. It can be used to generate electricity. You can find this energy being released inside the Sun and in atomic bombs.

What is nuclear energy?


It's the color of light that contains all other colors, reflecting or transmitting at the same time.

What is white?


It's the king you can make if you take
the head of a lamb
the middle of a pig
the hind of a buffalo
and the tail of a dragon

What is a lion?


It's a physical quantity determines how fast or slow a motion is. It's calculated by dividing the displacement of an object by the time needed. It takes into account the direction of the motion as well as its values.

What is velocity?


It's a law that state that every force applied to an object will result in an equal and opposite force applied reciprocally, to the object that applied the first force.

What is the Law of Action and Reaction?
(or Newton's Third Law)

It's the type of energy related to how fast the molecules and particles of an object are moving. It can be transferred between two objects of different temperatures.

What is thermal energy?


It's the sound characteristic that depends of the frequency of the sound wave. Usually, women's voices have it higher than men's.

What is pitch?

I turn hot at the color red
If you don't get out of the way, you'll soon be dead
But if you hit me square in the eye, you'll have won
Can you guess what I am, before you're done?

What is a bulls eye?


It's composed of three dimensions: length, height, and width. It's also a word used to represent the outside of our planet.

What is space?


It's the force caused on objects by the gravitational attraction to the Earth. People commonly talk about it in kilograms (kg) even though it's not actually correct since it's a force and not mass.

What is weight?


It's the type of energy stored inside the bonds between atoms and molecules. It's the type of energy that humans release through digesting food. It is also stored inside batteries.

What is chemical energy?


It's the color we would see if we shined blue light on an usually red shirt.

What is black?


I am a protector.
One person can see right through me, while others wonder what I hide.

What are sunglasses?


It's considered the fourth dimension in our universe, in which we are trapped always moving to the same direction.

What is time?


It's a force applied by any surfaces, like the force the table applies on a book on top of it. It's always in a 90ยบ angle with the surface, no matter if the surface is horizontal, vertical or inclined.

What is normal force?

It's a type of energy transmitted by waves that can move through the vacuum. It can carry different amounts of energy depending on the frequency of the wave transmitted: more frequency means more energy.

What is electromagnetic energy?


Those are the colors we would see the Brazilian flag if it was illuminated by green light.

What are green and black?


If you throw me from the window,
I will leave a grieving wife.
Bring me back, but in the door, and
You'll see someone giving life!

What is the letter n?