Location where the first aid kit and fire extinguisher are found.
What is a safety box.
Area to be cleaned first.
What is the source room.
Picture of the scratch on the fridge is taken.
What is previous damage documentation.
Content emergency checklist
Inventory of model and serial number are always taken.
What is electronic inventorying.
This type of job requires tyvek, gloves and OV P100.
What is PPE worn at a fire/ mould/ sewer claim.
Chemical used for fire cleans.
What is Grime Buster.
Material/supply used to dry large furniture in place.
What is foam blocks.
Packing procedure for preventing secondary damage for books.
What is packing with spine down.
Grouping NR items together.
What is bulk listing.
SSA and tool box talk.
What is safety paperwork to be completed before the job starts.
*DAILY DOUBLE* Hepa vacuum use.
*DAILY DOUBLE* What is first cleaning technique to be used.
Technique used to dry and preserve wet paperwork to be processed at a later date.
What is the freeze drying in the freezer.
Address, packers initials, sticker, what is in the box, etc.
What is the box label.
*DAILY DOUBLE* Irreplaceable item burnt in a fire and the insured wants to keep.
*DAILY DOUBLE* What is questionable.
Hard hat, safety vest and sign in sheet must be used.
What is large commercial loss.
Dry sponge cleaning technique for content.
What is cleaning technique used for surfaces that will not survive wet cleaning methods.
Technique used to separate dried photos that are stuck together.
What is submerging photos in water.
Kyla/ Kendra procedure for preventing secondary damage for extremely breakable items or high value.
What is finding an alternative storage solution.
Content remaining on site in their original room.
What is left on site.
*DAILY DOUBLE* Eliminate the hazard, isolate/ safeguard the hazard, engineering controls, safe work procedures and PPE.
*DAILY DOUBLE* What is SSA controls.
Yellow dust found on the job site.
What is fire extinguisher dust.
*DAILY DOUBLE* Machine that is turned on in drying room after mould content has been processed.
*DAILY DOUBLE* What is a hydroxyl generator.
*DAILY DOUBLE* What is the content move back checklist.
Insured has signed and is taking the opportunity to purge.
What is the disposal without comp form.