Nonsense Words
Challenge Words

The scared rock climber balanced precariously on the edge of the cliff.

Precariously Means:

A. gracefully     

B. lazily 

C. dangerously   

D. hopefully

What is Dangerously?


While she was indifferent to golf, her husband was an avid fan.

Using the antonym indifferent, we know avid means:

A. boring 

B. likeable    

C. eager       

D. pleasant

What is eager?


If you don't curtail your spending, you'll be broke in no time at all! 

This word is a synonym of "curtail":

a. reduce 

b. follow 

c. behind 

d. buy

What is reduce?


Lauren felt very quiggly when she earned an excellent grade on her science project. 

The most likely definition of quiggly is:

A. pleased

B. disappointed

C. overwhelmed

D. irritated

What is pleased?


Lakes occupy less than two percent of the Earth's surface, yet they help sustain life. For instance, lakes give us fish to eat, irrigate crops, and generate electricity. 

This word means sustain: 

A. Support

B. Obstruct

C. Prolong

D. Destroy

What is support?


The lost campers sweltered in the heat of the desert sun.

Sweltered means:

A. ate 

B. burned     

C. slept 

D. sunbathed


What is burned?


I thought it was a fresh idea, but the teacher thought it was trite.

Using the antonym fresh, trite means: 

A. special 

B. loud 

C. happy      

D. common

What is common?


If your plan fails, we’ll have to find someone who can devise a better one. 

This is a synonym of devise:

a. design 

b. dislike 

c. appliance 

d. gadget 

What is design?


Same wanted to kipple as fast as he could when he saw a snake slithering towards him.

The most likely definition of kipple is?

A. Scream

B. Sprint

C. Underestimate

D. Discuss

What is sprint?


Bats that eat fruit and nectar spread seeds and help flowers grow. Without bats many important plants would not thrive.

In this context thrive means:

A. Die

B. Flourish

C. Wither

D. Deteriorate

What is Flourish?


The impudent boy was rude to the policeman.

Impudent means: 

A. handsome     

B. carefully     

C. poor 

D. bold


What is bold?


George is adept with crossword puzzles, while his sister is a failure at solving them.

Using the antonymn failure, adept means:

A. miserable     

B. skilled      

C. close 

D. bored

What is skilled? 


Your plan looks good. I hope it will work. It’s time to implement it and see if it’s as brilliant as you claim. 

This word is a synonym of implement?

a. instrument 

b. dismantle 

c. change 

d. execute

What is execute?


The babysitter took all three of the Wentworth children to the raspatad to play.

The most likely definition of raspatad is:

A. Store

B. Hospital

C. Park

D. Bakery

What is park?


The ancient Greeks pioneered many kinds of writing we consider standard today. They wrote speeches, plays, poems, books about science and learning, and long histories of things that happened to them.

The word pioneer means: 

A. Complicated

B. Developed

C. Destroyed

D. Explored

What is developed?


No matter where you go, the Internet is following you. Almost every portable device is being made with an Internet connection. Most new TVs and many other appliances come with Internet connections as well. The Internet is truly ubiquitous. 

Ubiquitous means: 

a. it is fuzzy and will bite you 

b. it is everywhere 

c. it costs too much money 

d. it causes rashes

What is "It is everywhere"?


5. The woman abhorred cleaning house, but she loved a spotless home.

Using the antonym loved, abhorred means: 

A. often 

B. demanded    

C. enjoyed     

D. hated

What is hated? 


No word must ever leak out about this military action! It has to be a clandestine operation in order to succeed. 

This word is a synonym of "clandestine": 

a. family 

b. useful 

c. dangerous 

d. secret

What is secret?


The weather has been wrimly lately; the sky is dark and ominous. 

The most likely definition of wrimly is:

A. Calm

B. Snowy

C. Sunny

D. Stormy

What is stormy? 


The archaeologist carefully removed the tome from its ancient resting place and proceeded to read the pages related to marriage in Ancient Greece. 

This is the most likely definition of tome:

A. Pen

B. Weapon

C. Book

D. Table

What is book?


Using IQ tests and MRI brain scans, researchers have found that the measurable intelligence of teenagers can rise and fall over time. We used to believe that intelligence was static. But now, because of new studies, we know that teens and even fully mature adults can grow more brain cells when needed. 

The word “static” means: 

a. noise 

b. not changing 

c. moldy 

d. unreal

What is "not changing"?


Stacey was suspicious when the clown handed them a box, but her gullible little brother opened it anyway.

Using the antonym suspicious, gullible means: 

A. trusting      

B. sad 

C. doomed  

D. careful

What is trusting?


When your plan brings us great wealth, you will be rewarded for your sagacity

This word is a synonym for sagacity

a. stupidity 

b. mistakes 

c. intelligence 

d. appetite

What is intelligence?


Ms. Leigh went home early today because she was exhausted and feeling birt

The most likely definition of birt is?

A. Enthusiastic

B. Ravenous

C. Healthy

D. Sick

What is sick?


The Navajo language is an unwritten language of extreme complexity with no alphabet or symbols and is spoken only on the lands of the Navajo Nation in the American Southwest. During World War II a Navajo Code was created for the US Navy. The code was virtually undecipherable to anyone except Navajo speaking persons.

The most likely definition of virtually is:

A. Pleasant

B. Almost

C. Never

D. Always

What is Almost