Column 1
Column 2
Column 3
Column 4
Column 5

Mom adjusted the volume on the radio because she could not hear it.  What is the meaning of adjusted?

To change something in order to achieve the desired fit, appearance, or result


Dad divided the cake into six equal slices for the children, so each child would have the same amount of cake. What is the meaning of equal?

Being the same in quantity, size, degree, or value


Our grandmother made us a feast for Thanksgiving dinner.  What is the meaning of the word feast?

A large meal, typically one in celebration of something. 


As we crossed the street, the cars were zooming by rapidly.  What is the meaning of rapidly?

Moving at a fast pace


My mom has 12 siblings.  I wouldn't know what that's like because I only have one sister.  What is the meaning of siblings?

Brothers and/or sisters


It is hard to pay attention in reading class because I don't like to read.  However, in math class, I listen carefully to the teacher and take a lot of notes.  What is the meaning of the word attention?

To watch, listen to, or think about something or someone carefully or with interest


My little brother annoys me when he copies everything I say.  It is so irritating because he just doesn't stop!  What is the meaning of the word annoy?

To irritate or to make someone angry


When the photographer said it was time to take a picture, I put on the biggest grin I could!  My cheeks hurt from smiling so hard.  What is the meaning of the word grin?

To smile broadly


When we went to Florida, we flew in a gigantic plane.  I have never seen something so big.  What is the meaning of the word gigantic?

Of very great size or extent; huge or enormous.


Justin was grumpy because he wanted to go to the park, but it was raining.  The rest of his day was ruined.  What is the meaning of grumpy?

In a bad mood/irritable 


When I broke the vase, I decided to be honest with my mom and tell her the truth of what happened.  What is the meaning of honest?

To tell the truth


There is a bully in my class who keeps making fun of me.  I decided to ignore her.  She didn't know what to do when I pretended like she wasn't there.  What is the meaning of ignore?

To refuse to take notice of


Susan loves to stay inside and do puzzles, play games, watch tv, and read books.  Brock, on the other hand, loves being outside and playing sports.  Susan and Brock are opposites.  What is the meaning of opposite?

A person or thing that is totally different from or the reverse of someone or something else


Jason received an injury playing football when he bent his knee backwards.  He needed crutches to walk for several months after.  What is the meaning of injury?

Damage to a person's body


The illustrator on the book we're reading painted very lovely pictures on every page!  What is the meaning of illustrator?

A person who draws or creates pictures for magazines, books, advertising, etc.


I accidentally broke my mom's favorite vase.  I didn't mean to bump into the table!  What is the meaning of accidentally?

Not intending to do something


My neighbor invented his own ice cream maker.  I can't believe he made that all by himself!  What is the meaning of invented?

To create or design
After Rob cheated on his test, his teacher asked him to reflect on his actions.  He thought about what he did, and he felt really bad.  What is the meaning of reflect?

To think deeply or carefully about

The detective told his partner that he found the proof they needed for who committed the crime.  He found the criminal's fingerprints at the scene!  



My neighbor is a very wise lady. It's like she knows everything!  What is the meaning of the word wise?

Having or showing experience, knowledge, and good judgment.


My brother frightened me when he jumped out of my closet and screamed!! What is the meaning of the word frightened?



Bobby had to hold his tray steady, so his drinks didn't fall off and spill on the ground.  What is the meaning of steady?

Not shaking or moving


After working out for 3 hours, I felt extremely fatigued. What is the meaning of fatigued?

To feel tired or exhausted.


Traci dug a hole in the soil in order to plant a tree.  What is the meaning of soil?

The upper layer of earth in which plants grow


Tyler peaked at my test paper even after I told him to stop looking in my direction!  What is the meaning of the word peaked?

To look at something briefly or cautiously, especially while trying to avoid being seen