
The severe weather caused many roads to close. School was cancelled and everyone stayed indoors.

What is harsh?


What an extraordinary day we had! First we found buried treasure in the backyard and then we were interviewed on television.

What is amazing?


David knew that the advanced studies program was rigorous. It would require a great deal of reading and homework. Still, he felt he was up for the challenge.

What is difficult?


Grandpa was in a jovial mood, making jokes and laughing at everything.

What is happy?


Mr. Aronson liked most animals and even owned a dog. However, he loathed all cats and refused to even be in the same room as one.

What is hated?


Mara checked her numbers one last time. She wanted her report to be accurate so that her boss would know she had done a good job.

What is correct?


Jenny told me about the movie she saw, but she did not reveal the ending because she knew I was going to see it too.

What is tell?


The shallow river was usually easy for hikers to wade across. However, the recent heavy rains had turned it into a rushing torrent, too treacherous to cross.

What is dangerous?


We are depleting the Earth's reserves of oil. Someday there will not by any left.

What is using up?


Many of the girls were wearing top hats to school now. Heather was the first one to do it, but everyone had forgotten that the idea had originated with her.

What is started?


Lily wanted to go to the movies, but she knew that she would benefit more by going to the afternoon study group.

What is be helped?


There was some controversy about the new school dress code. While most parents and teachers were in favor of the new code, many students were not.

What is disagreement?


Dan did not enjoy his job as a dishwasher. It was monotonous work, doing the same thing over and over.

What is boring?


Greg was quite conspicuous with his neon colored t-shirt and jester's hat. It was easy to spot him in the crowd.

What is noticeable?


Marcia was in a difficult predicament. She had accidentally agreed to go to the dance with two different boys!

What is situation?


Amelia rarely paid attention in class. By contrast, her best friend Tasha was always very attentive and listened carefully to everything the teacher said.

What is focused?


Mara was feeling apprehensive about the camping trip. She had never slept in a tent before. What if there were bears or mountain lions?

What is worried?


As the students generated ideas for solving the problem, Mr. Smith wrote them on the board so they would not be forgotten.

What is came up with or brainstormed?


Over the years, Mrs. Reid had accumulated thousands of books. She was planning to donate many of them to the library.

What is collected?


After the hurricane, people returned to their ruined houses to salvage as many of their possessions as they could.

What is save?


After about an hour, the fireman concluded his talk by reminding everyone to check their smoke alarms as soon as they got home.

What is ended?


As the author of the Harry Potter series, JK Rowling is a prominent writer in the field of children's literature.

What is well-known?


In order to be eligible for the lifeguard program, participants had to first take First Aid training and be advanced swimmers.

What is qualified?


Everyone knew that Rachel would get to sing the solo in the show. She had the best voice. It was inevitable.

What is expected?


After the war was over, the soldiers liberated all of the prisoners, allowing them to return to their families.

What is freed?