with context clues!

If the lightbulb is too dim to illuminate the room, it should be replaced. 

Using context clues, what does illuminate mean?

light up


That man was a fiend. He pushed an old lady to the ground and then ran off with her purse.  

What does the word fiend mean?

a very cruel, evil, and violent person.

This is a WOD.


The private files were marked "confidential" and locked with a special set of keys.  

Using context clues, what does confidential mean?



My sister always sleeps with the door shut, but I prefer to sleep with it slightly ajar.  

Using context clues, what does ajar mean?

slightly open


The girl was jubilant because her boyfriend finally proposed during their 5th-anniversary dinner together.

Using context clues, what does jubilant mean?

extremely excited because of something that has happened.

This is a WOD


We do not like how the animals in the circus are treated, so our plan is to boycott the circus.  

Using context clues, what does boycott mean?

refuse to support


That animal's camouflage makes it so elusive when it is against the fall leaves. 

What does elusive mean?

difficult to find, or not often seen.


Lisa hates all types of seafood.  She detests tuna just as much as she dislikes shrimp.  

Using context clues, what does detest mean?

hates something very much


I love chocolate cake, however, I absolutely loathe vanilla icing.  

Using context clues what does loathe mean?

The antonym is the opposite, so the answer is:

To like something very much!


Mary left her umbrella at her friend's house, her clothes turned into a sodden mess during the rain storm on her way home. 

Using context clues, what does sodden mean?

soaked, very wet


The company had to demolish the building to make room for the new parking lot.  

Using context clues, what does the word demolish mean?



In the past month, our puppy has been so coy when we have dinner. He hides for a few minutes in a different room and then brings over his tennis ball for fetch.

What does the word coy mean? 

pretending to be shy to attract attention.

This was a WOD.


Lean fats are essential to a healthy diet, as well as vegetables. 

Using context clues, what does the word essential mean?

extremely important


Last night I had copious amounts of homework, but because I finished it all I don't have any tonight!  

Using context clues, what does copious mean?

The antonym is the opposite of copious which means: a lot

The answer is: very little, or a very small amount.


The square dancers were moving with such vigor, that it looked like they could keep going for a few more hours.

Using context clues, vigor means...

in good physical strength and good health

This is a WOD


The best way to describe Anna is she is very ambitious.  She always stays late at gymnastics practice to perfect her tumbling routine.

Using context clues, what does ambitious mean?

someone who works hard and is driven to succeed


Are you sure we packed enough provisions for this long camping trip? 

 Using context clues what does provisions mean?



The old man ambled slowly down the path while his dog strolled next to him.  

Using context clues, what does amble mean?



The Sahara Desert temperatures can be sweltering during the day; however, at night it can be quite chilly.  

Using context clues, what does sweltering mean?

very cold or freezing


The effects of the tornado where catastrophic, and the town took a long time to rebuild.

Using context clues, catastrophic means...

causing great damage


He knew his friend's health was in a precarious situation because of the severe injuries he had due to the car accident just a few days ago.  

Using context clues, what does precarious mean?

a situation that may quickly become worse.

This is a WOD!!


Please accumulate all your belongings before we go to lunch.



That man was seen lurking next to our neighbor's house last week and he was seen next to our house after midnight last night 

Using context clues, what does lurk mean?

to wait somewhere quietly and secretly because you plan to do something wrong.


Our last principal was very lax with the rules, unlike our new principal who makes sure we follow them all.  

Using context clues, what does lax mean?

Lax means very easygoing 

The antonym of lax and the answer is: 

very strict or a rule follower


That old witch costume looked abysmal, but with some creative repairs and a good cleaning, it looked terrific.

What does abysmal mean?

very bad or poor quality.