What is a synonym?
A word that has the same or similar meaning as another word.
No one ever believes that newspaper because it is famous for printing canards.
rumors; lies
The police arrived to confiscate, or take, the stolen property.
He tried to smile since the mood of the party was happy, not somber.
unhappy; gloomy; serious
Candles, flashlights, and lamps illuminate the room.
light up; make something bright
What is an antonym?
A word with the opposite meaning of another word.
The insidious burglar was able to sneak into the house without being heard.
sneaky; quiet
His rancor, or hatred, of his brother caused him to live his life as a lonely person.
Although Liz felt sad and depressed, most of the graduates were elated.
happy; excited
A sleuth, such as Sherlock Holmes or Nancy Drew, can be quite helpful in solving crimes.
What acronym can you use to help you remember the 5 types of context clues?
The room was completely desolate. There wasn't any furniture, and dust covered the floor.
deserted; empty
The dudeen, a short stemmed clay pipe, is found in Irish folk tales.
a short stemmed clay pipe
Unlike the desert tortoise, which is active in the summer, the box turtle might be dormant in summer.
Ecclesiastics, such as priests, ministers, and pastors, should model good behavior for their congregants.
religious leaders
What is an inference?
An educated guess based on clues and what you already know.
After getting caught in the rain, I came home completely drenched.
soaked; really wet
Tom's father was a haberdasher (men's shop keeper) in the story.
men's shop keeper
Although Tom was apprehensive about the test, Tina was not worried at all.
worried; concerned
Ben is quite versatile. For example, he is a good student, a top athlete, and a gourmet cook.
having a variety of skills or abilities; does lots of different things
What are context clues?
Hints the author gives to help you figure out the meaning of an unknown word.
VCRs are virtually obsolete since you can watch almost anything you want on Youtube or streaming services.
out of date; no longer used
The Indians taught the Europeans to preserve meat by making pemmican, cakes prepared from dried lean meat mixed with fat.
cakes prepared from dried lean meat mixed with fat
Beth has a gregarious personality, but Jenna is rather quiet.
outgoing; talkative; social
Celestial bodies, including the moon, the sun, and the stars, have been objects of fascination for centuries.
relating to the sky