Vocabulary Context Clues
Context Clues
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Marco excels at many sports. He has scored 16 goals this soccer season and he recently won a state championship swimming competition. 

What does the word "excel" mean?

Is very good at


Why do you think alligators live in Florida and Louisiana?

Alligators live in Florida and Louisiana because they like to live in rivers, lakes, ponds, swamps, bayous, and marshes. Florida and Louisiana has a lot of these types of habitats.

What proof is there that Japan really is an archipelago?

I know Japan is an archipelago because it is made up of 4,000 islands. An archipelago is a group of islands.


Why do you think the scout leader wanted the boys to move fast?

It looked like it was going to rain.


After my birthday party, our house was in complete disarray. All of my toys were scattered across the basement and there was confetti all over the place. It took hours to clean it all up, but it was worth all of the fun we had.

What does the word "disarray" mean?



Why do insects have to use so many defense strategies?

Insects have to use so many defense strategies because they have many predators.


Why is it surprising that bison can run quickly?

It is surprising that bison can run quickly because they are the heaviest land animals in North America and can weigh over a ton.


Why do you think Emily was crying?

Emily was crying because she had not started her project on Abraham Lincoln yet.


Sometimes I get envious of people who have a brother or sister. I am an only child and get bored when there’s no one around to play with.

What does the word "envious" mean?



According to the text, why is the Amazon famous?

The Amazon is famous because it has the world's largest rainforest.

Why do hurricanes stop when they come over land?

Hurricanes stop when they come over land because they lose energy.


What was Jenna doing?

Jenna was babysitting.


Even though I love math, I dread taking timed multiplication tests. I get so nervous that my mind just goes blank and I can’t remember any of my facts.

What does the word "dread" mean? 

Fear, dislike


What two things make up a cloud?

Water and ice crystals make up a cloud.


What reason did the author give for preparing ahead of time?

The author states that by preparing before a disaster strikes, you have a much greater chance of staying safe.


Why was the Mom lighting candles?

She was lighting candles because the storm blew the power out.


I could tell it was a very blustery day just by looking out my window. Leaves were swirling around and tree branches were swaying back and forth. I even noticed our garbage can had traveled into the neighbor’s yard.

What is the meaning of the word "Blustery"?



What is the cause of most wildfires?

The cause of most wildfires is lightning, human carelessness, and arson.


What is the effect of the river rising?

When the river rises, it allows trees, plants, and crops to grow and to help animals survive.


Why is Cody in trouble? How do you know?

Cody is in trouble because he cheated on his Math test. I know this because a teacher wouldn't call a student's parents to come to the school unless it was something serious.