This is a hint or piece of information within a sentence or paragraph that helps you figure out the meaning of an unfamiliar word.
What is a context clue?
Define the idiom:
It cost an arm and a leg.
What is it was very expensive.
The main character in "War with Grandpa" is
What is Peter.
How old is Mrs. B
What is 21
Use the context clues to find the meaning of the word:
The students were very attentive to the guest speaker!
What is observant and focused
Define the idiom:
Spill the beans
What is ask someone to reveal their secret.
The reason there is a war between grandpa and his grandson.
What is grandpa took his room.
What school does Mrs. B go too?
Use the context clues to find the meaning of the word:
Stop dawdling and hurry up or we will be late for the party!
What is walking slowly, shuffling.
Define the idiom:
Once in a blue moon
What is something that happens very rarely.
What did grandpa say after he slapped his grandson?
What is "War Hurts".
What is Mrs.B's favorite book series?
What is Harry Potter.
Use the context clues to find the meaning of the word:
He moseyed up to the to the front of the line when it was his turn.
What is walk, sauntered.
Kill two birds with one stone
What is to accomplish two things at once.
Where did Peter hide grandpas watch?
What is in his trunk in a can of tennis balls.
What is Mrs. B's first name?
What is Jada
Use the context clues to find the meaning of the word:
Erica ran the Chicago marathon and felt lethargic afterwards.
What is tired, exhasted?
Define the idiom:
Add fuel to the fire.
Where did grandpa hide Peters socks?
What is under the bathroom sink.
How do you spell Mrs.B's last name?
What is Breidenbaugh?