CC: Vocab 1
CC: Vocab 2
CC: Vocab 3
IN: Day or Night?
IN: Where am I?

As the summer sun sent scattered rays through the maple leaves overhead, the young deer stood frozen, making it almost impossible for the hikers to see her.

In the above passage, the word “frozen” means _______.

Not moving


When the Pilgrims landed in what is now Massachusetts, they were fearful that the Native Americans would attack them. However, the people that they encountered, the Wampanoag Indians, were a peaceful and generous tribe. 

To encounter, is to _______.



The original Pilgrims called themselves the “Saints” and referred to others who joined with them for the voyage as the “Strangers.”

In this context, “original” means _______.



There was a loud bang. Suddenly, a huge firework burst into the air, and the sky was filled with brilliant colors.

Infer: Is it Day or Night? Cite your evidence.

Night: Fireworks are set off at night to increase visibility.


I sat with my toes in the hot sand digging a hole with my new shovel. I turned to grab my sandwich and noticed a seagull flying away with it. Since I now had no lunch, I grabbed my snorkel and headed for the waves.

Where am I?

The beach: Hot sand, shovel, seagull, snorkel, waves


The United States has a vast amount of newly discovered clean geothermal energy. Tapping into this energy source could provide at least 10 times the energy obtained from the nation’s known coal reserves.

What does “vast” mean?

A large amount


Fortunately, the explosion diverted the asteroid from a course that would have sent it hurdling into our planet.

To divert is to _______.

Change the direction of.


A 98 year old woman is working day and night to knit scarves to send as gifts for the troops. What a selfless person she is!

What does selfless mean?

Cares more about others than themself


My dog needed to go outside. I turned on the porch light and then let my dog out into the backyard.

Infer: Is it Day or Night? Cite your evidence.

Night: I turned on the porch light to see


I sat in my seat excitedly watching the man swing from pole to pole. Far under him, 2 elephants carried ladies with feathers in their hair. I ate my popcorn as I watched 8 clowns come out of 1 single car.

Where am I? Cite your evidence.

The circus: man swinging, elephants, feathers in their hair, clowns


Poor Farmer John labors sixteen hours a day and never has time for a vacation. He deserves better! Everyone should have at least one day a week for rest and relaxation. 

What does "labors" mean?

To work, works.


The news story was based on a letter that was a fabrication. Now the reporter who wrote the story is in big trouble. Will anyone believe him again?

A fabrication is __________.

Fake, a lie


Speaking rudely to the judges was rash behavior. You really hurt your chances of winning!

What does “rash” mean?

Little thought or consideration


It was getting hotter and hotter by the minute. The swimming pool looked incredibly inviting, I couldn't WAIT to jump in!

Infer: Is it Day or Night? Cite your evidence.

Day: The hot sun warms the air up as the day went on.


We ran from haybale to haybale trying not to step on any cow pies. Uncle Joe picked us up with his tractor and gave us some fresh eggs to fry for dinner. We helped him tend the garden and feed the chickens.

Where am I? Cite your evidence.

A farm: haybale, cow pies, tractor, fresh eggs, garden, chickens

Luckily, the dizzy spell was transient. He was able to continue playing within seconds and had no trouble winning the match.

When you describe an event as “transient,” you are saying that the event __________.

Doesn't last long.


Your plan looks good. I hope it will really work. It’s time to implement it and see if it’s as brilliant as you claim. 

What does implement mean?

Carry out, begin to involve.


Maria said, “Amber, why are you making such a big deal about Robert’s hair? It might seem odd for a guy to have purple hair. On the other hand, it’s not going to change the course of world history. It’s really a trivial matter." 

What does “trivial” mean?



I stepped outside barefoot, but very quickly rushed back inside. The pavement burned the bottom of my feet!

Infer: Is it Day or Night? Cite your evidence.

Day: the hot sun was heating up the pavement


Dad let me push the buggy. It was so hard to push. I reached up high to pick the most colorful apples off of the shelf. I secretly took a bite when we went to the next aisle. When we take them home, Mom will make a pie.

Where am I? Cite your evidence.

The grocery store: Buggy, apples, shelf, aisle, pie


No matter where you go, the Internet is following you. Almost every device is being made with an Internet connection. Most new TVs and many other appliances come with Internet connections as well. The Internet is truly ubiquitous

What does ubiquitous mean?

It's everywhere.


Marsha is really an introvert. When I took her to Jason’s party, she sat in a corner without speaking to anyone. All she did was eat most of the snacks. The only reason she hangs out with me is because I never try to force her to be sociable. She would never forgive me if I introduced her to anyone. 

An introvert is usually _____.

Timid, Shy, Keeps to themselves.


Both soccer teams are trying to score a point at recess. Ms. Altman watches Andrew thwart a lightning-quick incoming ball from his path.

What does “thwart” mean?

Prevent or block


The airplane soared across the sky. It blended in with the stars around it and looked like it was flying toward the Moon.

Infer: Is it Day or Night? Cite your evidence.

Night: "It blended in with the stars" and "flying toward the Moon".


I waited patiently for dinner to get brought to the table. All of our food came on a huge round tray. Lots of other families were eating dinner too. When we left, Dad left the waitress a nice tip.

Where am I? Cite your evidence.

A restaurant: Dinner getting brought, huge round tray, other families eating too, dad left the waitress a nice tip.