1. Inferences
2. Context cues
3. So Random
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5. More context clues

The car windows are wet.

a. It is raining.

b. It is windy.

c. It is cold.

d. It is sunny.

a. It is raining.


The diamond ring was radiantly shining on her finger.

Using the synonym clue, the word radiantly in this sentence means

a. brightly

b. really

c. hardly

d. barely

a. brightly


What is BC's Mascot?

A. Tiger

B. Bulldog

C. Lion

D. Cheetah

B. Bulldog


The family set up a tent and started to make a fire to roast marshmallows.

a. They are going camping

b. They are going shopping

c. They are going to the doctor

d. They are going to adopt a dog

a. They are going camping


The sun made the lake water shimmer.

Using the explanation clue, the word shimmer in this sentence means:

a. dirty

b. dull

c. dark

d. shine

d. shine


Timothy took a second piece of apple pie.

a. Timothy doesn’t like pumpkin pie

b. Timothy likes ice cream with his pie.

c. Timothy likes the apple pie

d. Timothy does not eat enough.

c. Timothy likes the apple pie.


We shopped at the emporium, which is as large as the shopping center, for shampoo and bath soap.

Using the comparison clue, the word emporium in this sentence means

a. amusement park

b. bathroom

c. large store

d. library

c. large store


What is the largest type of shark?

a. Tiger shark

b. Lemon shark

c. Whale shark

d. Great White shark

b. Whale Shark


She makes lunch for hundreds of students each day.

a. She works in a restaurant.

b. She works at a farm.

c. She works as a teacher

d. She works in a cafeteria.

d. She works in a cafeteria.


My younger sister can be an irritating nuisance when I am doing my homework.

In this sentence, the word nuisance means:

a. help

b. annoyance

c. pleasure

d. delight

b. annoyance


Angie asked Sue if she could borrow her math textbook.

a. Sue’s math textbook is red.

b. Angie can not find her math textbook.

c. Sue lost Angie’s math textbook.

d. The class has a math test tomorrow.

b. Angie can not find her math textbook.


The saturated, dripping dog ran in the house after swimming in the lake.

Using the synonym clue, the word saturated in this sentence means

a. wet

b. old

c. dirty

d. smelly

a. wet


How many colors are there in a rainbow?

a. 7

b. 6

c. 5

d. 8

a. 7


Dave took Charlie’s bike home by mistake.

a. Dave has the same bike as Charlie.

b. Charlie doesn’t like his bike.

c. Dave likes to take things that are not his.

d. Charlie’s bike is blue.

a. Dave has the same bike as Charlie.


Melissa sauntered over to our table while Cheryl hurried over.

In this sentence, the word sauntered means

a. walked in a slow, easy way

b. hurried

c. beat rapidly

d. ran

a. walked in a slow, easy way


Alex breath smells really good.

a. Alex does not like gum

b. Alex just brushed his teeth

c. Alex ate some pickles

d. Alex has a dentist appointment.

b. Alex just brushed his teeth


In the pirate story, there were the good guys against the buccaneers.

Using the contrast clue, the word buccaneers in this sentence means

a. actors

b. pirates

c. teachers

d. helpers

b. pirates


What gets wetter the more it dries?

a. Straw

b. Sponge

c. Bottle

d. Towel

d. Towel


The boy jumped into a large pile of crunchy leaves.

What season is it?

a. Winter

b. Fall

c. Spring

d. Summer

b. Fall


We should be careful not to ostracize those who are different from us. It is much better for all if we are welcoming to everyone.

In this sentence, the word ostracize means

a. embrace

b. exclude

c. welcome

d. include

b. exclude


Debbie is stuck in bed. She's surrounded by tissues and has a thermometer on her nightstand.

a. Debbie is working on homework

b. Debbie is sick

c. Debbie is very sad

d. Debbie is watching a movie

b. Debbie is sick


An evanescent ring surrounded the moon as it rose. It was there for a moment, and then it disappeared.

Using the explanation clue, the word evanescent in this sentence means

a. full

b. ongoing

c. brief

d. bright

d. bright


What is the capital of Michigan?

a. Gainesville

b. Orlando

c. Miami

d. Lansing

d. Lansing


It was dark. Jack and his mom had taken a long walk near their house. They had gone with some friends. They used a flashlight to see the path and had a lot of fun. They roasted marshmallows when they got home.

What might Jack be able to see if he looked at the sky?

a. a tiny bird

b. his mom

c. stars

d. sun

c. stars


The artist was very careful and exact as he meticulously painted the portrait.

In this sentence, the word meticulously means

a. hurriedly

b. precise or detailed

c. careless

d. sloppy

b. precise or detailed