In the sentence "The organism's membrane is semipermeable, allowing certain molecules to pass through," the word 'semipermeable' most likely means:
A. completely blocked
B. partially allowing passage
C. fully open
D. permanently sealed
completely blocked
The mitochondria are the powerhouse of the cell." The word 'powerhouse' in this context suggests:
A. a storage unit
B. an energy producer
C. a waste collector
D. a protective barrier
an energy producer
The dormant seeds will sprout when conditions are favorable." Based on context, 'dormant' suggests:
A. dead
B. growing
C. inactive
D. poisonous
The terrestrial animals adapt to life on land." The word 'terrestrial' most likely means:
A. water-dwelling
B. land-dwelling
C. air-dwelling
D. underground-dwelling
Read: "During photosynthesis, chlorophyll absorbs sunlight." Based on context, 'chlorophyll' is probably:
A. a type of sugar
B. a green pigment
C. a root structure
D. a water molecule
a green pigment
The organism's metabolism slows during hibernation." The word 'metabolism' likely refers to:
A. movement
B. growth only
C. body processes
D. breathing only
body processes
The population experienced exponential growth." The word 'exponential' suggests:
A. slow increase
B. rapid multiplication
C. steady decline
D. no change
rapid multiplication
The carnivorous plant attracts and digests insects." The word 'carnivorous' implies:
A. meat-eating
B. water-loving
C. light-seeking
D. root-growing
"The bilateral symmetry of the organism means it can be divided into equal halves." Based on context, 'bilateral' refers to:
A. three parts
B. four parts
C. two matching sides
D. random divisions
two matching sides
The homeostatic mechanisms maintain body temperature." The word 'homeostatic' suggests:
A. changing rapidly
B. maintaining balance
C. increasing only
D. decreasing only
maintaining balance
The decomposers break down dead material." Based on context, 'decomposers' are organisms that:
A. build new materials
B. break down materials
C. produce oxygen
D. store energy
break down materials
The predator's nocturnal habits help it hunt effectively in the dark." The word 'nocturnal' indicates activity during:
A. the afternoon
B. the morning
C. the night
D. the winter
the night