My student from Mexico is bilingual, but we only speak English at school.
Bilingual: Refers to an individual who can speak two languages with similar or equal proficiency.
My goal is to be a childhood provider after graduation.
Provider: An organization or individual that provides early care and education services.
As a professional, I have to participate in continuing education courses. I may not be a student, but my education is ongoing!
continuing = ongoing
Empathy is an important quality for educators to have. If teachers are indifferent, the students will not feel cared for or understood.
Adverse childhood experiences can include physical, emotional, or sexual abuse to the death or incarceration of a parent or guardian.
Adverse: preventing success or development; harmful; unfavorable.
It is important for children to learn basic skills in preschool so they can succeed later in life.
preschool: education before school-age (kindergarten)
I translate my home notes for students who are English Language Learners.
English Language Learner: Refers to a child who is learning English and comes from a home or environment where the primary language is not English
Little humans are more competent than we think! They are capable of learning lots of information in such short amounts of time!
competent = capable
The speech therapist provides adapted literature for my nonverbal students. She does expect students to respond to questions using books that are incompatible with the students' needs.
Story time is a great way for student's to learn early literacy skills.
Early Literacy: Refers to what children know about and are able to do as it relates to communication, language, reading, and writing before they can actually read and write
I thought I wanted to teach 6th grade, but realized I don't want to deal with preteens.
Preteens: relating to a child just under the age of thirteen.
Grateful: Full of gratitude
My students have been making progress in their early literacy skills. They've made improvements in recognizing the title, author, and how to hold the picture books!
progress = improvement
I contributed old coats to the winter clothing drive. There's no sense in keeping coats I never wear.
My classroom is focused on inclusion and making sure everyone feels welcomed and safe.
The principle of enabling all children, regardless of their diverse backgrounds or abilities, to participate actively in natural settings within their learning environments and larger communities.
My grandma was my informal preschool teacher when I was young.
Informal: not formal
Informal childcare: A term used to describe child care provided by relatives, friends, and neighbors in the child's own home or in another home, often in unregulated settings.
The amount of tissues we go through in our classroom each winter is laughable!
Laughable: Able to be laughed about
Our students learn a lot of functional skills in preschool. Some practical routines we target are sitting in groups, sitting at tables, and following directions.
functional = practical
There's no such thing as a typical day in preschool. It seems every day something abnormal happens!
I prompted the student to use his number scale to answer the math question.
Prompt: assist or encourage (a hesitating speaker) to say something or bring something about
Preschool eases the transition from home life to kindergarten.
Transition: the process or a period of changing from one state or condition to another.
She was hopeful that the students would make it home safely in the snow.
Hopeful: Full of hope
We learned about how important it is to be consistent for our students. Having dependable adults that are with them every day is important for their development.
consistent = dependable
After a hectic morning, the kids finally settled down for a calm nap.
We must remember Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs in order to serve the students what they require in order to learn.
hierarchy: a system or organization in which people or groups are ranked one above the other according to status or authority.