
His brother was a straight A student, but Howard was just a MEDIOCRE student and usually got C's. 

opposites: straight A student

clue word: but

mediocre means average


The bird's INDIGO feathers shone deep blue in the morning sunlight.

same: blue


The restaurant floor was so SCUZZY at the end of the day. It was covered with awful stuff like spilled food, crumpled napkins, and other garbage.

examples: awful stuff like spilled food, crumpled napkins, and other garbage. 

scuzzy means yucky, disgusting


Diane was LETHARGIC; she didn't have the energy to get out of bed.

- lacking energy


We know the dog has a kind DISPOSITION because we've never seen her bite or scratch anyone.

clues: never bite or scratch

disposition: temperament, personality


Unlike his quiet and shy family, Brant was LOQUACIOUS and was constantly talking. 

opposites: quiet, shy

clue word: unlike

loquacious: talkative


"It was SCORCHING outside today," complained Larry, "maybe the hottest day of the year."

same: very hot


It was an IDYLLIC day - sunny, warm, and perfect for a walk in the park.

example: sunny, warm and perfect

idyllic means extremely pleasant


The doctor's writing was utterly ILLEGIBLE and impossible to read - no one could understand those scribbles.

impossible to read


Some birds like to build their nests in INCONSPICUOUS spots — high up in the tops of trees, well hidden by leaves.

clues: hidden, high up

inconspicuous means hidden or hard to see


I thought the movie would be good, but it turned out to be ABOMINABLE and I almost walked out

opposites: good,

clue word: but

abominable: awful, detestable 


When she HURLED the ball across the field, I said, "I didn't know you could throw like that!"

same: throw


The 3rd-grade class was full of PRECOCIOUS children. For example, one student could speak 3 languages and another was learning algebra.

example: one student could speak 3 languages and another was learning algebra

precocious: exceptionally smart, ahead of age


The DROMENDARY, commonly called a camel, stores water and fat in its hump.

commonly called a camel


The HABERDASHERY was Lou’s favorite place. He loved shopping for nice suits and expensive ties. 

nice suits, expensive ties

haberdashery: a store for men's clothing and accessories


We thought grandpa would be DISTRAUGHT when he heard about the accident; surprisingly, he took the news very calmly.

opposite: calmly

clue word: surprisingly

distraught: very upset, worked up


He was the most HAPLESS person Laura had ever known. In other words, he had no luck at all.

same: no luck


The river was polluted with NOXIOUS materials such as dangerous chemicals from a factory and fertilizer from nearby farms.

dangerous chemicals, fertilizer

noxious: lethal, deadly, could cause injury


The CONGA is a barrel-shaped drum commonly heard in many types of music.

barrel-shaped drum


Donnie was completely PERPLEXED when he scored 50% on his math test and had no idea what he did wrong. 

clues: had no idea

perplexed: puzzled , confused


If you want to save money on gas, buy a COMPACT car instead of a giant SUV.

opposite word: giant

clue word: instead

compact means small, shortened, condensed


"Spot" was an APT name for the dog. It was a fitting name because his white fur was covered in brown spots. 

same: fitting


Something in the refrigerator is so PUTRID, a horrible smell poured out when we opened the door.

horrible smell

putrid means rotting or smelling horribly


On a clear night, you can often see CONSTELLATIONS, or groups of stars, in the sky

groups of stars


Their DESCENT off the mountain was so much easier than the climb up. 

clue: off the mountain

descent: moving down,lowering