Utter Nonsense
It was an idyllic day; sunny, warm and perfect for a walk in the park. What does idyllic mean?
extremely happy, peaceful, or picturesque.
Marty is gregarious, not like his brother who is quiet and shy. What does gregarious mean?
fond of company; sociable; easy to get along with and talk to.
The team was elated when they won the trophy. What does elated mean?
very happy; overjoyed.
You could see how repugnant the bitter medicine was by the way she shuddered and made a face as she swallowed it. What does repugnant mean?
extremely distasteful; unacceptable; disgusting.
Mr. Jeffrey's fell off his bike and twisted his ankle; he had to cramble all the way back home.
limp; walk slowly; saunter
As a security guard, John was a venerable, respected member of the community. What does venerable mean?
accorded a great deal of respect, especially because of age, wisdom, or character.
The feral cat would not let us pet him, unlike our tame cat. What does feral mean?
of, relating to, or resembling a wild beast.
While Mr. Jeffrey is very loquacious, his friends hardly talk at all. What does loquacious mean?
tending to talk a great deal; talkative.
Mr. Jeffrey exhibited many indolent behaviors, such as falling asleep at his desk, losing his homework, and forgetting to do his chores.
not liking to work or be active; lazy
You really refluppered that lesson today; your students didn't learn anything. What does reflupper mean?
messed up; goofed; screwed up; poorly executed.
DAILY DOUBLE. This question has nothing to do with context clues: what does the S in STEAL stand for?
Suzanne’s tone was surprisingly flippant in contrast to her usual respectful manner. What does flippant mean?
not showing a serious or respectful attitude.
Ms. Kuna is a woman of few words, well known for her brevity. What does brevity mean?
concise and exact use of words in writing or speech.
Jon Stewart is an iconoclast; he's never afraid to make fun of politicians and celebrities. What does iconoclast mean?
a person who attacks cherished beliefs or institutions.
Stop being such a groopster and put your trash in the appropriately-marked container. What does groopster mean?
someone who is messy or careless about their surroundings.
Kim Kardashian is vapid, bland, and uninspiring. What does vapid mean?
offering nothing that is stimulating or challenging.
Don’t be slothful or lazy; be diligent in your work habits. What does diligent mean?
having or showing care and conscientiousness in one's work or duties.
Mr. Jeffrey's cat is very contrary; she always appears where she isn't wanted. What does contrary mean?
opposite in nature, direction, or meaning.
A great deluge swept through our neighborhood; I was up to my knees in water.
a great flood of water; inundation; heavy rain.
Ms. Kuna is very tribop, because she speaks her even if it offends some people.
bold and without shame.
The agreement was tacit; Ms. Kuna was the brains, Mr. Jeffrey was the muscle (obviously). What does tacit mean?
understood or implied without being stated.
Ms. Kuna is sagacious; Mr. Jeffrey makes poor choices.
having or showing keen mental discernment and good judgment; shrewd.
The slovenly boy never cleaned his room or washed his hands. What does slovenly mean?
messy, dirty, and/or careless.
DAILY DOUBLE. The following question has nothing to do with context clues: a semicolon is used to connect __________.
two independent, but related, clauses.
The blade of grass was ploosnar compared to the tiny ant. What does ploosnar mean?
exceptionally large; massive