Non Hormonal
Effectiveness and Safety
Myths and Facts
Hormone Methods
Patient Education

What is most accessible type of barrier method?

What is the condom?


 This type of contraceptive has the lowest failure rate when used correctly.

  • Answer: What is a long-acting reversible contraceptive (LARC)?

This type of contraception does not protect against sexually transmitted infections.

  • Answer: What is any hormonal method (pill, patch, ring, implant, IUD, etc.)?

The hormone released by Nexplanon to prevent pregnancy.

  • Answer: What is etonogestrel?

Patients using oral contraceptives should take their pill at this time every day for maximum effectiveness.

  • Answer: What is the same time each day?

What is the chemical in most spermicides in the US?

What is  nonoxynol-9?


 Smoking while using this type of contraceptive increases the risk of blood clots.

  • Answer: What is combined hormonal contraception (birth control pill, patch, or ring)?

The minimum age at which a person can start using birth control pills.

  • Answer: What is there is no minimum age with proper medical evaluation?

One of the most common side effects experienced by users of the hormonal implant.

  • Answer: What is irregular bleeding?

The first step a patient should take if they miss a dose of their birth control pill.

  • Answer: What is take the missed pill as soon as possible?

This barrier method must be used with spermicide and inserted before intercourse.

  • Answer: What is a diaphragm?

True or False: Condoms provide 100% protection against sexually transmitted infections.

  • Answer: What is false?

True or False: Birth control pills can help treat acne.

  • Answer: What is true?

This hormone prevents ovulation in most combined hormonal contraceptives.

  • Answer: What is estrogen?

The first step a patient should take if they miss a dose of their birth control pill.

  • Answer: What is take the missed pill as soon as possible?

This copper device is a non-hormonal IUD that can prevent pregnancy for up to 10 years.

  • Answer: What is ParaGard?

This hormone-free method requires sterilization and is considered permanent.

  • Answer: What is sterilization (vasectomy or tubal ligation)?

This hormonal implant, inserted under the skin of the upper arm, is effective for up to three years.

  • Answer: What is Nexplanon?

This hormone-only method is often recommended for breastfeeding women or those who cannot use estrogen.

  • Answer: What is the progestin-only pill (mini-pill)?

This backup method of contraception should be used when starting a new form of hormonal birth control.

  • Answer: What is a condom or barrier method?

This natural family planning method tracks changes in cervical mucus and body temperature.

  • Answer: What is fertility awareness?

This emergency contraceptive is more effective than the morning-after pill if taken within five days.

  • Answer: What is the copper IUD (ParaGard)?
All birth control methods prevent against STI's

What is this is false or incorrect?


The primary action of progestin in hormonal contraceptives is to thicken this cervical structure to prevent sperm penetration.

  • Answer: What is cervical mucus?

One key counseling point for patients considering a copper IUD.

  • Answer: What is it may increase menstrual bleeding and cramping initially?