Apostrophes: Possessive Nouns
Apostrophes: Contractions
Compound Sentences
Mixed Bag
The mistake in the following sentence: The snowy, heavy roof fell in on my moms car.
What is the missing apostrophe in mom's?
The mistake in the following sentence: The cat licked its fur, but its not looking any better.
What is "its" after the conjunction "but"? It should be "it's".
The mistake in the following sentence: Jenna rode her bike home but Tony walked home.
What is the missing comma after the word "home"?
The mistake in the following sentence: My favorite foods are macaroni and cheese pizza and pasta.
What are the missing commas after cheese and pizza? Commas are needed between items in a list of three or more words.
The mistake in the following sentence: elephants are known for having excellent memories.
What is the missing capital at the beginning of the sentence?
The mistake in the following sentence: The hurricane that was approaching the resort nearly ruined my parents vacation.
What is the missing apostrophe in parents'?
The mistake in the following sentence: Joe cant wait to go on vacation to Disney World.
What is "cant"? It should be "can't".
The mistake in the following sentence: Spring is right around the corner, people will start wearing lighter weight jackets.
What is the missing coordinating conjunction after the comma? This is known as a comma splice.
The mistake in the following sentence: When we go camping, we like to go hiking go fishing and go star gazing.
What are the missing commas after hiking and fishing. Commas are needed between three or more phrases in a list.
The mistake in the following sentence: How do you find a celebrity's address.
What is the missing the question mark at the end of the interrogative sentence?
The mistake in the following sentence: Mr. Durgin really likes water skiing. Our family was lucky enough to ride on the Durgins boat.
What is the missing apostrophe in Durgins'?
The mistake in the following sentence: Even though we have practiced our songs for the musical, we have'nt been able to perform the entire show yet.
What is "have'nt" ? It should be "haven't".
The mistake in the following sentence: When we are at Adventureland, I'm excited to ride the roller coaster, and the log ride.
What is the comma after "coaster"? None is needed as there aren't two independent clauses.
The mistake in the following sentence: We are going to vacation in Charleston South Carolina.
What is the missing comma between the town name and state?
The mistake in the following sentence: Make sure you don't mess around in front of mr. Haugse.
What is the missing capital on the title Mr.?
The mistake in the following sentence: Don't forget to do you're chores before heading to the game.
What is "you're"? It should be "your".
The mistake in the following sentence: Joey and Molly could'of gone sledding after the snow storm, but instead they went ice skating.
What is "could'of"? It should be "could've".
The mistake in the following sentence: The pirates terrorized ships on the seven seas; and pirates can still be found on the oceans today.
What is the conjunction "and" after the semicolon? There shouldn't be a conjunction after the semicolon. or What is the missing comma after "seas"? A comma should be used with a conjunction in a compound sentence.
The mistake in the following sentence: If a tornado ever comes near school we need to know where a safe spot is to take cover.
What is the missing comma after "school"? Introductory phrases are set off with a comma.

The mistake in the following sentence: I will be attending Canton Preparatory high school next year.

What is "high school" should be capitalized because it is apart of the name of the specific place.

The mistake in the following sentence: The giraffe reached its' neck up to the highest leaves of the tree.
What is "its'"? It should be "its".
The mistake in the following sentence: This summer i'am going to spend a lot of time swimming at the pool.
What is "i'am"? It should be "I'm".
The mistake in the following sentence: The dolphins followed the surfers through the waves; This showed their playful personalities.
What is the capital T in "This"? No capital is needed after a semicolon.
The mistake in the following sentence: The Green Bay Packers the best team in the NFL has won the Super Bowl four times.
What are the missing commas around the appositive phrase "the best team in the NFL"?
The mistake in the following sentence: Their is no way there taking they're dog on the trip is there?
What are the incorrect homophones? In order, it should be "There", "they're", and "their".