What is "DH closed ‘5’, palm toward your face. The DH makes an upward motion just in front of the nose"?
Makenna's favorite song right now
What is "God and Country" by Anne Wilson?
This person got stuck in a dog food container.
Who is Peyton?
Name one place (outside of the U.S.) that Mrs. Farmer has traveled to
What is/are India, Cambodia, South Korea, Ireland, Canada, Mexico, Netherlands, Italy, England, Germany, Switzerland
This persons favorite cereals are trix and captain crunch, but she doesn't eat them often because her mom tells her "No!"
Who is Makenna?
What is: "Dominant hand in the C handshape, hand flips over and makes a shaking movement two times"?
Mrs. Farmer met this famous person while working at a chocolate shop.
Who is Kelly Clarkson?
This person might be a pescatarian, but she still loves bacon!
Who is Elianna?
Six months ago, this person walked on an active volcano.
Who is Savannah?
Mrs. Farmer has two sons. What are their names?
What are William and Oliver?
What is "NDH ‘S’, palm down, arm held horizontally. DH ‘I’, palm facing the middle, DH on top of the NDH. The pinky of the DH makes a circle on the top of the NDH"?
She has seen the Head and the Heart in concert three or four times
Who is Elianna?
She has held an alligator.
Who is Makenna?
The color of Peyton's truck
What is teal?
She disliked 4H because the people came across as rude.
Who is Savannah?
What is "Dominant hand in the 1 handshape touches dominant side of the forehead then both hands in the 1 handshape, palms face inward, fingers point towards each other, tips of the fingers touch then pull away"?
This person's parents saw Carrie Underwood in concert, but didn't take her.
Who is Peyton?
Peyton had two pigs. One has been sold and the other....where is the other pig?
What is "in her freezer"?
The name of the island that Makenna has visited
What is Galveston?
Elianna once found this in a river
What is a hatchet?
What is "Both hands in the 4 handshape in front of the torso, non dominant hand is sideways, palm facing inward, dominant hand palm facing inward moves forward and lands on the non dominant hand"?
Number of times Savannah has seen the Zac Brown Band in concert.
What is 18?
This person is very accomplished, studies Savannah's discipline (with horses) and inspires her.
Who is Hannah Sue Burnett?
Elianna has visited the island of Maui as well as this island off the coast of California
What is Catalina?
Peyton's two favorite smells
What are sushi and ramen?