conversation drivers and stoppers
making connected comments
think it or say it
making small talk
using humor and sarcasm

What is a conversation driver that can keep a conversation going smoothly?

Asking questions, making connected comments, appropriate body language


How can you show interest in what someone is saying?

Ask questions, comment on what they say


Why is it important to think before you speak in a conversation?

So you don't hurt someone's feelings.  So you can make connected comments.


What is small talk and why do people engage in it?

Small talk is a short conversation about unimportant things.  People do it to be polite or to start to get to know someone.


What is humor and how can it lighten up a conversation?

Things that make people laugh.  Can help if things are too serious or sad.


Name one example of a conversation stopper that can make a conversation awkward.

not making a connected comment, changing the topic, poor body language, not paying attention to the speaker


What does it mean to make a comment that connects to what the other person said?

Your comment is about the same topic as their comment.


Give an example of something you should think before saying out loud.

Commenting about someone's appearance.


Provide an example of a small talk question you could ask a new classmate.

Where are you from?  What do you think of your new school?


Why is it important to be careful with sarcasm in conversations?

Sometimes sarcasm can come off as being rude.  Some people don't understand sarcasm.


How can asking open-ended questions be a helpful conversation driver?

It shows the person you are interested and want them to keep talking


Provide an example of a connected comment you can make after someone talks about their favorite hobby.

Why do you like that hobby?  What do you like about it?  How often do you get to do your hobby?


How can taking a moment to think before responding help in a conversation?

You won't say something embarrassing or rude or insensitive.


How can talking about the weather be a good way to start a small talk conversation?

It's something everyone can talk about


Give an example of using humor to make a conversation more enjoyable.

Making a joke about yourself


Give an example of how interrupting someone can be a conversation stopper.

It tells the person you aren't interested, it tells the person you don't think what they are saying is important


Why is it important to pay attention when making connected comments in a conversation?

If you don't pay attention, you won't be able to make a connected comment and the person will know you weren't listening and don't care.


What are the consequences of saying the first thing that comes to mind without thinking during a conversation?

You could hurt someone's feelings or make someone upset.


Why is it important to smile and be friendly when making small talk with someone you don't know well?

They will think you are rude or uninterested if you don't.


How can sarcasm sometimes be misinterpreted in a conversation?

Can be seen as rude.  The person may think you're serious.


Why is active listening an important conversation driver?

It lets the person know you are interested in what they have to say


When someone talks about their pets, what kind of connected comment could you make?

What kind of pet do you have?  What's your pet's name?  How old is your pet?


Describe a situation where taking a moment to think before speaking could be very helpful.

When someone tells you something important.  When someone asks how they look


Name two topics that are suitable for making small talk with new friends.

Weather, sports, school


Describe a situation where using humor can help create a good atmosphere during a conversation.

Can let the person know you are not serious.  Can tell someone you like to have fun.