Body Language
Active Listening
Appropriate Topics
Conversation Starters
Ending Conversations

Facing toward someone who is talking to you shows that you are _______________.

Interested or not paying attention


If I said: "I had the worst headache last night. I barely got any sleep." How would you respond showing active listening?

I'm sorry you weren't feeling well. Are you feeling any better today?

Appropriate or Inappropriate Kenny is talking to his teacher about the book he is reading; however, his teacher is trying to teach a lesson about Science.
Inappropriate because it's important to make sure it's the right time to talk about something.
What is a conversation starter?
A phrase or question that begins a conversation.
What is an example of a way to end a conversation?
See you later. Talk to you later. Goodbye.

Looking around or at the floor shows that you are _____________.

Disinterested or not paying attention

What could you say to show you were actively listening if a peer said, "My favorite game is Mindcraft!"
You could say, "That's cool! I like Mindcraft, too!" or "I'm not sure what that is. Will you tell me about it?"
Appropriate or Inappropriate? Talking about dogs when other students are talking about baseball.
Inappropriate. It's important to stay on the topic as others and wait for the right time to change the topic.
What is an example of a conversation starter?
"How is your day going?", "Do you like ____ (whatever is for lunch that day"
Give a tip for ending a conversation.
looking at the clock, etc.

Fidgeting with your clothes shows the speaker that you are _____________.

Disinterested or not paying attention

It's important to comment and/or respond to what the speaker just said to show that you are actively listening.

What is a "topic radar"?

The Topic Radar helps us think about what other people are interested in. We use this information to select a topic of conversation that would interest them. 

Give an example of a conversation starter that you would say to another student first thing in the morning.
"Good Morning", "Did you get your homework done?", "How are you doing this morning?"
Why is it important for you to end a conversation appropriately?
It shows you care about the person.

Show an example of body language that shows you are paying attention.

Good posture Facing Speaker Eye Contact Any reasonable example


Why is it important to listen when other friends is talking?

It shows you care. Sometimes you have to listen to others talk about something you don't really like or care about. There will be times your friend does this for you, also.

True or False It's important to try to talk about topics that other's care about.

Give an example of a conversation starter you could use during lunch.

"What did you do at recess?"

Why would you not want to end a conversation abruptly?
It can be rude and you don't want other's to feel you don't care about what they are saying.
Give an example of disinterested body language.
Looking away Slouching Turning away Fidgeting Any reasonable example

Is it appropriate to interrupt when other's are talking. Why or why not?

No. It is not respectful/is rude.

What would an appropriate topic to discuss with someone you don't know well?
weather, name, ask how they are doing, etc.
Give an example of a follow up question for this conversation starter. Did you see the movie Trolls?
What was your favorite part? Who was your favorite character? Did you like the ending?

What are some ways you can tell the other person is ready to end the conversation?

when they say things like , "Well it was good talking to you", "Have fun", looking at the clock, yawning, not giving eye contact