Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5

Something you can say to start a conversation?

What is: hello/how are you


Making friends on the playground during recess, lunchroom during nutrition breaks, on school bus, schoolyard, park after school

What is: good places and good times to make friends


"Just calling to see how you're doing"

"I haven't talked to you in a while"

What is: reasons for starting a conversation - Cover Story

Tell me something you should not do when you need to end a conversation?
What is: just walk away

“How many times will the other kids usually say ‘no’ if you ask to join 10 different groups of kids playing?”

What is: 5 out of 10


Ask the other person about themselves

After they finish- you answer your own questions

Share something related about yourself

What is: Trading information


Making friends during class- when teacher is talking/ when the other kid is working, on the road, in the washroom

What is: Bad places and bad times to make friends


"I need to finish my homework"

"My mom needs to use the phone"

What is: Reason for ending/ leaving the conversation - Cover Story





If they say no, don't argue 

What is: Slipping in


Something you did to them before (rejected them, got them in trouble with the teacher, etc.) 

Other child doesn’t want to meet new friends 

They misunderstood what you wanted to do   

They didn’t feel like playing with you just then

What is: Reasons for being turned down


Identify things you can talk about

Identify activities you can do together

Find out what they do not like to do

What is: Common Interests


When two people talk and learn how to enjoy each other

What is: A Conversation


"My mom asked me to call you"

"My teacher said I have to call you"

What is: Bad cover story


"That's not how we play that game, you have to take turns"

"You are out now so I am joining in"

What is: Don'ts of Slipping in


Treat others as you would have them treat you. 

Say it differently (e.g., they say “no” and you point out that they are short two people on their side) 

Try again later (another day).

What is: What to do next time if you get rejected the 1st time


Give the person a chance to ask a question

Pause occasionally

If they don't say anything follow up with another question

What is: Share the Conversation


When 1 person talks and not let anyone else have a chance.

What is: A Conversation Hog

It is a good idea to be thinking about what you are going to say next when someone is speaking to you. True/False
What is: False
You should not do this while people are talking?
What is interrupt?

You played too rough last time and hurt other kids

Watch for others and show concern when they are hurt

What is: reason for being turned down and what to do next time


Is the other person participating in the conversation

Is there eye contact

Are they trying to walk away

What is their body language

What is: is the other person interested.


Sharing the conversation

Asking and then answering your own questions

Not getting too personal before getting to know the person

What is: Rules of having a conversation


In a conversation, be sure to do this so you are not the one talking all of the time and hogging the conversation?

What is: turn taking/taking turns?


Don't argue

Find someone else to play with

Try again another day

What is: If they say no to you joining their game or conversation


These are what people watch for on a person's face so they will know what to do and what to say?

What are cues?