If you had to give some visitors a tour of your hometown, what would you show them?
What do you like to do when you visit a new town or city?
What’s the most advanced piece of technology that you own?
Are you excited by new technology?
Do you have a favorite shop?
Are you a fussy eater?
Do you care where the food you eat comes from?
Do you like going to zoos?
Do you have any pets?
What do you like about the town or city where you live in now?
What would improve your town or city?
Do you think people rely too much on technology nowadays?
Do you find modern gadgets frustrating to use?
Do you shop online?
Have you ever suffered from buyer’s remorse?
What national dishes from your country would you recommend?
What do you think of genetically-modified food?
Have you ever been bitten or stung by an animal?
If you could live in any city, where would you choose?
Would you prefer to live in a city or in the country?
What modern gadget could you not live without?
Would you like to own a robot that did most of the housework?
Do you prefer to shop alone or with friends?
What’s the best place for shopping in your town or city?
How has your taste in food changed over time?
What are your guilty pleasures?
Have you ever thought about becoming vegetarian?
What animals live in the wild in your country?
Are there “good” and “bad” parts of your town?
What is your hometown famous for?
What do you think is the most important invention in your lifetime?
Do you own any technology that is now obsolete?
How often do you buy clothes?
Where do you buy your groceries?
What was the last meal you cooked?
What’s your perfect breakfast?
Would you like to go hunting?
Are you a cat person or a dog person?
Is your town changing? In what ways?
What’s your favorite part of town?
Are you an early adopter or do you like to wait until something has been tried and tested before buying it?
Are you concerned about any new or imminent technologies?
Have you ever worked in a shop?
What’s the worst thing about shopping?
Is anyone in your family vegetarian?
How healthy is your diet?
What animals have you seen in the wild?
Do you think it’s okay to wear fur?