If you convert km to m , the conversion factor you use is ...
Convert 45 centimeters to meters
Convert 3.9 yards to inches.
10 cm = ____ in
5.011 x 104
convert this scientific notation to standard notation
When you need to convert 55 centimeter (cm) to m, you should use this conversion factor to multiply by 55 cm.
Convert 1.6 kilograms to grams.
How many cups in 25 pint?
5000 g = __________ lbs
Write 1.986 x 10-4 in standard notation.
What conversion factor (s) you need to use to convert
3.4 cL to mL
Convert 32 mm to cm.
Convert 100 s to hour.
Convert 2,750 milliliters into gallons.
(1 gl = 3.79 L )
Write 0.00000231 in scientific notation.
2.31 x 10-6
What conversion factor you need to use for converting
4 mg to kg
Convert 30 mi/hr to km/s
(1 mile = 1.61 km)
Write 5,600 in scientific notation.
5.6 x 103
22 kg= _________ ounce