Name one of the rp monitors
Who is the Ceo of Server Events?
Name a Cookie/Cookie variant that was in Cookie Wars but not in any other games
Bruh im not gonna list them all here ill just tell you if your right
Who is the owner?
Name a person who got their emoji selected from the last cookie cavern emoji contest
Name a rp rule.
Ill just tell you if your right or wrong.
Name a person currently in the hall of fame.
Kaoru c:
(Spoilers) Who was Dark Enchantress Cookie originally?
White Lily Cookie
Name one of the current word of the day providers
Mimo, Turnipzz
what was the most recent @everyone ping?
Name how many channels are meant for characters
What was the event Fort announced after the first Arcane Race?
Cookies and Caverns
The Season 6 Update.
Name one of the first two Rp monitors
Derrick, Aussie
What game got replaced by the spoiler chat in the server?
Cookie run Puzzle World
Night Raven
What was originally the event for the third event slot?
Forts Code Thing
Who won the cookie of the year 2019 contest?
Which Admin has the lowest amount of messages?
Name the most recent bot removed from the server.
What was the cancelled rp event made by aussie?
What Event was the first "Server Collab"?
Cookie Fusions
Name the most recent fanmade cookie run ovenbreak costume.
Sea Fairy's Luminous Coral
This admin was the first admin to join the server other than fort
Who has the most messages in the server?