True or False: Is it ok to sell cookies alone?
What is False.
I'm the best selling cookie
What is a Thin Mint?
If a person says they do not have cash, what other option do they have to pay?
What is credit cards?
The founder of Girl Scouts.
Who is Juliette Gordon Low?
Price for one box of Thin Mints
What is $5.00?
The time of day when we sell cookies to our customers, even if they are vampires.
What is during the daytime?
I come in the red box.
What are Tag-a-longs?
If a person is on a diet but wants to support girl scouts, what can they do?
What is donate cookies to the military?
The longest selling cookie in the cookie lineup.
What is a Trefoil?
The price for specialty cookies
What is $6.00?
Two areas we never enter while selling cookies.
What is inside homes and cars?
The name of peanut butter sandwich.
What is a Do-Si-Dos?
If someone does not buy cookies, what do you say?
What is thank you?
In January 2015, customers were able to buy Girl Scouts using this online app.
What is Digital Cookie?
The amount of money you collect when your customer buys 2 Thin Mints, 2 Samoas and 1 S'mores.
What is $26.00?
What you can wear to identify yourself as a Girl Scouts while selling cookies.
What is Girl Scout uniform/vest?
I have caramel and coconut.
What is a Samoa?
You should politely ask people_______?
What is Would you like to buy some girl scout cookies?
First year of Girl Scout Cookie Sales
What is 1917?
Where is the only place it is okay for my parent to post about my cookie sale online?
What is personal pages?
Your personal information that is NEVER shared with customers,
What is your last name, your home address and your email address?
I am the only gluten free cookie in the line up
What is a Toffee Tastic?
What is the minimum amount of Cookie Boxes to become a Cookie CEO?
What is 2020 boxes of cookies?
The first year Girl Scout Cookies went to outer space.
What is 1992?
Checks for cookies should be payable to?
What is we do not accept checks.