Cooking Terms
Food Handling
Eating Healthy
Safe Food Storage
Staples in the Kitchen

What does pickling mean?

Preserves food by adding brine [ salt] boiled with vinegar added to jars of vegetables


 Name a food that are rich in protein?

Meats, cheese, yogurt, poultry, cereals, nuts, seeds,pulses ,legume, beans, tofu, peanut butter


Name a benefit of protien for our bodies?

Muscle development, bone metabolism, slows aging process, prevents hair damage, healthy skin, maintain ideal weight, prevents heart disease, improves immune system, & hormone balance


Why is safe food storage so imporant?

Food is expensive and spoils easily, and so we will not get sick


What is staples in the kitchen?

They are supplies you needto have on hand for basic cooking


What does the term canning mean in cooking?

Food placed in sterile mason jar with a little salt, jars are boiled, cooled 


Where do germs and bacteria can come from?

Humans, animals, utensils, storage containers, food handlers


How can I know if I am eating too much protein, name 2?

Breath will smell like ammonia,Flu like symptoms,SOB,low energy, swelling in face, feet, belly,ankles,puffiness around eyes,foamy or bubbling urine,nausea/vomiting, muscle cramping at night


Name a example of safe food storage?

Canning, freezing, drying, preserving, dehydrating, pickling, jams, jellies


Name a cooking staple in the kitchen?

Breads, cornmeal, breadcrumbs, crackers, cornstartch, flour, sugar, rice, pastasetc.


How do you know when canning if the jar is sealed properly?

Wait for popping sound that will show an indentation


Green leafy vegetables carry alot of germs like e-coli, listeria and both can cause death, so what can we do?

Wash them throughly before using 


Name a sign that you are not eating enough  protein?

Feeling tired, weak, sluggish, unexplained mood changes, aggressiveness, depression, sicknesses like colds and flues often that linger, swelling of abdomen, feet, legs, hands, prone to bone fractures, crave sweets, hair thinning, feel rushed, ridges on fingernails, slow healing from cuts, scrapes, and sprains


What temperature does it need to be for drying food?



Name a kind of staple that you would  need for making a pasta dish?

elbow macroni, spaghetti, lasagna noodles, egg noodles, rotini etc.


What does the term macreate mean in cooking?

To soak fruit in a flavored sugary liquid


What is considered to be a green leafy vegetable, give 2 examples?

Lettuce, spinach, swiss chard etc.


What is the normal healthy intake for daily fiber?

Males 30gm- females 25gm


Why do people dehydrate their food?

Food spoils faster when full of moisture and it guarantees a longer shelf life


 Name a staple you would need for baking bread?

Baking soda, yeast, flour, sugar,  margerine or cooking oil


What does the term marinate mean in cooking?

To season raw meats by soaking them in a flavorable mixture 


Shellfish is a hazardous food, what must be done to keep us safe?

They must be refridgerated right away or frozened


Why do we need fiber in our diets?

For digestion, elimination of bowels, lowers cholestrol, helps maintain blood sugars, and aids in weight loss


 Name a food that we eat dried?

Beef jerky, bananas, peanuts, raisins, pineapple, coconut, apriots, prunes, peas, beans, pasta,rice, dates, figs, noodles


 Name a kind of fat & oil you would need for staples?

Olive oil, butter, margerine, cooking spray, coconut oil, palm oil, canola oil etc.