Cooking Terms
Eating Healthy
Safe Food Storage
Food Handling
Cooking Terms

What does the cooking term mince mean?

To chop into tiny pieces


What bad fats should we be avoiding?

fatty cut meats of pork, beef, lamb etc.

Dark chicken meat and the skin

High fat dairy foods like whole milk, butter, cheese, sour cream, ice cream

Fatty oils like coconut, palm, cocoa butter, lard


What is the needed temperature for dehydration?

90% - 95% not all moisture is removed


Name an example of cross contamination of food?

Food to food

People to food

Money to food

Insect to food

Pets to food


What does the term sugaring mean in cooking?

Method to preserve food, food is dehydrated, then packed in pure sugar ex. jams, jellies


What does the cooking term mixixing mean?

Stirring ingredients together with a spoon or a mixer until mixture is smooth


 Give an example of why we need fat in our diet?

It gives us engery, hormone and gene regulation, flavor and fullness, brin function, absorbs fat soluble vitamins


Name some different ways to freeze foods?

Foil wrap, freezer wrap, containers, plastic wrap, Zip-lock freezer bags 


Name an example of  cross-contamination  during cooking?

Not washing cutting boards in between

Dirty nails

Uncovered cuts and scrapes

Not wearing gloves or changes them frequently

Not washing hands frequently enough etc.


What does the term A- la -mode mean in cooking?

Means topped with ice cream


What the term seasoning mean in cooking?

Adding flavoring to food with spices/herbs


Name an example of a good fat?

Oily fish, nuts, seeds, fruits & vegetables, olive oil, corn oil, canola oil


Can thrawed meat be refrozened?

Yes, but only if it is pre-cooked


What is the only way to get rid of germs?

Sanitizing is the only way to kill germs


What does the term searing mean in cooking?

Food cooked at high temperature on both sides just enough to brown it, adds flavor


What does the term souring mean in cooking?

Technique that can be used to sweeten,or lighten the heat of spicy foods,using an acidex. vinegar


Name a type of fat we need to limit?

Meat, poultry, dairy, eggs, plant sources


What should we always remember to do when frezzing things?

To label and date packages


Name one of the best sanitizer to kill germs?

Chlorine bleach, Iodine, Quaternary Ammonium, Dustbane


What does the term roasting mean in cooking?

Uses electricity to give dry heat and hot air to surround the food and it cooks evenly ex. oven


What does the term shaving mean in cooking?

Taking thin shavings off fruit or vegetable with a peeler it changes texture and appearance


Name a type of fat we need to avoid?

Deep fried foods, processed foods, bought baked goods


To maintain a healthy weight serving size is important, how much protein should we be eating daily to maintain weight?

2-3 servings of meat a day, 1 serving size =size of a deck of cards


Does detergents like Mr. clean, Lysol, Dettol get rid of all the germs?

No- it removes some particles but does not get rid of all, it does not kill bacteria


What does the term barbecuing mean in cooking?

Method used to cook food with a low heat from hot coals of charcoal, or propane