Kitchen Duties
Clients Duties
Jobs that everyone does in the kitchen

What is the 1st thing we do when entering the kitchen?

Wash our hands


Why do we sanitize?

It kills the germs


What special chore does Matt K do for the kitchen?

 He sweeps and mops and the floors


What are 3 steps we do with the counter tops upon arrival after getting ourselves ready?

We sanitize them, by spraying the counter, then wiping it down, then we change our gloves


 How long do we need to leave the sanitizer on before wiping the counter?

 We are to wait 1 min


What is the 2nd thing we need to dowhen entering the kitchen?

Place hair nets or hats and aprons on


Why do we need to put dishes in dish washer?

To sanitize them


What job does Jacob do for the kitchen?

 He does the laundry


What is the 1st thing we do with our cutting boards and knives after chopping, slicing, shredding etc.

Place debris that is on them in the garbage


What do we need to do to the stove before cooking in the oven?

Preheat oven


What is the 3rd thing we should do to prepare for kitchen duty?

Put our gloves on 


Why do we need to change our gloves before taking and putting away clean dishes?

You do not want to cross contaminate them with your dirty gloves again


What job does Matt D do for the kitchen?

He folds all the aprons , hats and places them on the kitchen cart


What is the 2nd thing we do with our cutting boards and knives after chopping, slicing, shredding etc.

 Wash them with soap and water


What do we need to remember to do with the dishes before we santitizing them in the dishwasher?

Wash them with soap and water, after scraping them off in the garbage


Should we start cooking right away, why?

No, the counters need to be santized 1st because you do not know if they are germ free


Does soap and water santize dishes?

No, it only kills some germs not all


What other chore does Matt K do that none of us think of doing?

Taking the garbage out


What is the 3rd thing we do with our cutting boards and knives and other dishes after washing with soap and water?

 We place them in dish washer to sanitize them


What should we be following by reading it when cooking?

The recipe


Does soap and water kill germs?

No, it gets rid of some not all


Why do we air dry dishes?

 Because wiping them with a cloth desanitizes them


What jobs does Mark, Cheyenne, Jacob, Matt D, Sean, Christina, Steve, Noah, Matt K do when it is their turn in the kitchen?

 All work together to santize, do dishes dishes with soap and water, place in dishwasher, puts away, prepares and cuts vegetables /fruits, cooks, serves the 4 who are not cooking, enjoys eating, cleans eating area and kitchen


What is the 4th thing we do with our cutting boards and knives and other dishes after they are cooled off in the dishwasher?

We change our gloves and put them away


What do we need to double check after we are done for the day?

That everything is done that needs to be done in the kitchen