Safe Food Storage
Camping Food Tips
T116 Cooking Stories
Cooking Staples

The five vital foods groups are dairy, ________, grains, fruits and vegetables.

What are proteins?


This is the way most foods that can spoil will need to be stored.

What is refrigeration/insulated?


This form of bacon is helpful to have on backpacking trips because it doesn't need to be refrigerated and it cooks quickly.

What is pre-cooked?


This scout can't cook pancakes.

Who is Sam Reynolds?


This food is very compact, light, and easy to prepare, but is STRONGLY discouraged on camping trips.

What are Poptarts?


This food group is important to have on trips and when cooked well can be very good, although some people don't like eating them.

What are vegetables?


This food group is often hard to store in backpacking trips but is still very common to see in meals.

What is dairy?


This is the best meat to bring on camping trips for dinner.

What is beef/steak?


This scout cooked powdered mashed potatoes at Philmont.

Who is Jack Calkins?

This drink is brought on almost every camping trip, especially cold ones.

What is chot hocolate?


This food group is very commonly eaten, but rarely included in the main five food groups. Very few people can live with none of it.

What are oils/fats?


This is what should be done with everything left over from cooking a meal.

What is packing out?


This cooking stove is one of the most common used in the troop since it is portable, compact, and useful. Especially for mac and cheese.

What is a Jetboil?


This scout covered a pocket stove with sand to smother it after the gas canister caught on fire.

Who is Andrew Mack?


This is an example of a common breakfast food on backpacking trips that is a bit bulky, but very quick to prepare.

What are bagels?


This food group is one of the most important to have on camping trips, and is often neglected, or eaten in unhealthy forms.

What are grains?


This mistake can cause various negative effects such as allergic reactions and food poisoning, even if no one eats something that would normally set off a reaction or food poisoning.

What is cross-contamination?


Using this cooking method is very popular on backpacking trips for something different than cooking on a pan or stove.

What is open-fire broiling?


This scout is supposed to be the best chef in the troop, but some stories disprove that.

Who is Chase Fackrell?

This utensil is very popular for cooking on camping trips and is almost always used.

What is a spatula?


This component of foods which can be found on the nutrition label is something that should be completely eliminated from your diet and can be identified by the phrase, "partially hydrogenated," in the ingredients.

What are trans fats?


This meat should never be brought on camping trips because it is not safe to eat after being unrefrigerated.

What is chicken?


This method of cooking is helpful for desserts, but not always convenient to bring on camping trips.

What are dutch ovens?


On this trip in 2017, we had a dutch oven competition. One patrol set their Dutch Oven on a composite wood picnic table to serve the cooked food inside, and the table melted and fused with the legs of the Dutch Oven.

What is Nantahala River Rafting?


This meal can involve meats, grains, fruits, and vegetables and can be largely prepared at home, although it does take a lot of ingredients to heat up and cook.

What are fajitas?