Hazards and mitigation
Allergies/food-borne disease
Food storage/cross contamination
Reading food labels
First aid

You are on a campout and are asked to grab a pan from the stove.  Unfortunately, no-one specified which pan.  What could happen and how do you prevent it?

Burning yourself on the pan


What is the most common food Illness

Food poisoning


You are going on a Spring campout and the forecast if for a temperature of 50 degrees.  How will you store the deli meat for your lunch sandwich?

In a cooler at or below 40 degrees.  Care that it is protected from raw meats.

If you wanted to lose weight should your calorie intake be more or less than your calories burned?

How do you recognize when someone is choking?

Hands at the throat, struggling for breath, loss of consciousness

You are cooking at home and you need the spices from the top shelf.  What must you be careful of?

Falling whilst trying to reach!


Name two ways to prevent infection by salmonella

1. Cook food thoroughly

2. Don't consume foods containing raw eggs or unpasteurized milk


How do you store the raw salmon for your foil pack dinner before you leave for your campout and during the campout?

In the fridge and a cooler below 40 degrees in a position where it can not drip onto other cooked or ready-to-eat items.


On a nutrition facts label, there is a list of terms on teh left side and to the right of the terms is a %.  What does the percent indicate?

It indicates the percentage of the daily value required.


Your patrol leader cut themselfves whilst chopping carrots.   What do you do?

Wash, clean, add band-aid or gauze and wrap.  If severe, seek medical attention immediately. 


What is the most likely injury to occur whilst cooking on a stove?

Burns.  Turn pan handles away, have gloves available for hot pans


Name 5 of the 9 most common food allergens

1. Peanuts 2. Tree Nuts 3. Milk/ Lactose intolerant 4. Eggs 5. Wheat 6. Soy 7. Fish 8. Shellfish 9. Sesame


You are making a dish for dinner and have whole bell peppers, chicken breast and pasta with a side salad.  What must you be careful of during the preparation and what should you do?

Cross-contamination of the raw chicken from the chopping board and/or knife.  Use separate board and knife for the chicken, or wash thoroughly in between.


Name 3 of the 6 ingredients listed on common product labels that you should restrict your intake of.

Total fat, Saturated fat, trans fat, cholesterol, sodium, sugars


How do you treat a burn or scald and what is the difference?

Burn is dry heat (i.e. a pan) and scald is wet heat (i.e. steam).  To treat both, remove from heat, cool with water for 30 minutes, cover with sterile dressing if minor, seek further medical advice if major.


What is the most likely danger of chopping onions.  What can you do to help prevent those accidents?

Knife slippage (crying doesn't count!).  Use a sharp knife and a board without a slippery surface, hold the onion carefully with as much flat side on the board as possible.  Wear glasses or goggles to prevent crying!


When you have leftover food, how long should you leave it before cooling to 40 degrees?  Bonus - why?

Maximum 2 hours (unless it has been in a really hot car then it is 1 hour)


You go to the cooler to grab some fruit to go with lunch.  There are also packets of cheese, lettuce, the burger patties for dinner and some eggs.  What is the danger and how do you prevent issue?

Cross contamination from the patties.  Make sure to keep raw food separate and wash the fruit before eating it.


How many calories should an 11-15 year old intake each day?  Choose the gender and answer within 100 calories.

Girls 2200 calories a day

Boys 2500 calories a day


What are the steps in treating someone who is choking?

Give 5 back blows and if that doesn't work give abdominal thrusts. 


You want to make stir-fry at home.  You turn on the ring, warm the oil, add the onion and then cry.  Whilst fetching a tissue, you get distracted by the show on the TV.  What could happen, how do you deal with it and how do you prevent it?

Fire.  Pay attention.  If a fire breaks out, turn off the ring if it is safe to do so, use a fire blanket if you have one. Do not use water with an oil fire.  Get out of the house and call 911.


What is a food intolerance? Name 2 of the more common causes of intolerance.

When a food gives someone a negative reaction after eating or drinking the items.  The reaction could manifest in many ways including digestive issues (gas, diarrea, vomiting etc) or skin reactions (hives, rash) or headaches, fatigue etc.  

Common: Dairy, Gluten, Eggs, Peanuts, Caffeine, Salicylates, Amines, Fodmaps, Sulfites, Fructose, Meat, Soy, Corn


You are cooking burgers.  What could go wrong?  List 2 main reasons why people get ill from eating burgers and how to overcome those issues.

1. Undercooking.   Make sure burger juices run clear and/or internal temperature is 160 degrees (165 for turkey burgers).

2. Cross-contamination with the flipper.  Make sure to clean in between turns.


How do you identify common food allergens on a food label?  List 2 ways to identify them.

Read the ingredients list!  The list must have the allergen listed obviously as an ingredient so it may be in parenthesis [e.g. lecithin (soy)] or immediately after the ingredients in a  "Contains:" list.  Check with someone regarding their tolerance of "May contain:"  or "Produced in a facility with".


How do you recognize when someone is having an allergic reaction and what do you do?

For a mild reaction, give anti-allergy tablet.  If the person is showing signs of anaphalaxis, call 911 and use an Epi-pen if available .