Food Safety
Kitchen Safety
Price Comparison
Meal Planning and Prepping


What is the minimum internal temperature for cooked chicken/poultry? 


What's the first thing you should do before cooking?

Wash your hands


Which is usually cheaper, name brand or store brand?

Store brand tends to be cheaper


Does meat last longer cooked or raw?

Meat lasts longer cooked


How do you prevent food from growing bacteria?

Either keep it in the fridge or keep it heated 


How to treat a minor cut?

Clean the wound and put on a clean bandaid. Apply pressure to stop any bleeding. Put on a glove if you want to continue cooking. 


Which is cheaper per unit, a 5-pack of paper towels for $10 or a 15-pack for $20?

The 15-pack of paper towels for $20. 

The 15-pack is about $1.33 per paper towel tube, while the 5-pack is $2 each. 


Making meals ahead of time to be eaten throughout the week or month. 

What is meal prepping?


40ºF to 140ºF

What is the "danger zone" for bacteria growth?


How to treat a minor burn?

Immediately run it under cool, not cold, water for about ten minutes. Apply a burn lotion or vaseline. Leave it uncovered. Clean it with soap and water three times a day. Watch out for signs of infection. 


Which is cheaper, half a pound of ham at $5/LBS or a quarter of a pound of ham at $7/LBS?

A quarter of a pound is cheaper. 

It costs $1.75, while half a pound would be $2.50. 


What are the five food groups?

Fruits, vegetables, grains, protein, and dairy


Is moldy food safe to eat? 

Yes, but only if it is firm or hard food, and you can cut at least an inch around the mold on all sides. Otherwise, throw out the whole thing if it has mold on it. 


How do you hand someone a knife?

Hand it to them handle-first by holding it on the blade on the dull side. 


Which is a better deal, a buy one box of cereal, get one free, or 50% off two boxes of cereal? 

Assuming both boxes are the same price, they are the same deal. If one box is more expensive than the other, the store will likely make the cheaper box the free box, making 50% off both the better deal. 


3 to 5 days

How long is cooked beef, lamb, or pork good for?


This bacteria is commonly found in raw or undercooked chicken and eggs. 

What is salmonella? 


How to treat a major cut? 

Apply pressure with clean bandages or fabric. If the first bandage is bled through, apply a second bandage on top of it. If the second bandage is bled through, replace it. Keep applying pressure until bleeding stops or help arrives. 


Which is cheaper per unit, a 12-pack of 6-oz yogurts (72 oz total) for $8 or a 32 oz tub of yogurt for $3?

The 32 oz tub 

The tub is about 9¢ per oz, while the pack is about 11¢ per oz. 


How do you make food last the longest?

Freezing food is the way to preserve it the longest, sometimes up to a year