Hold your horses
slow down
At the end of my rope
losing my patience
Back to square one
starting over
Bite your tongue
Keep quiet
Break a leg
Good luck
Bull in a China shop
Clumsy person
Bug off
Go away don't bother me
Busy as a bee
working hard at something
By the skin of your teeth
Button your lip
Don't say anything
Butterflies in my stomach
Feel anxious
Cold Feet
Getting nervous
Cool it
Calm Down
Cost an arm and a leg
Very expensive
On cloud nine
Very happy
Piece of cake
Easy to do
Ants in my pants
Can't stop moving
Raining cats and dogs
Storming hard
Under the weather
Hot as fire
hot and sweaty
Very sick
Hit the road
Travel, go somewhere
Hit the hay
Go to bed
Go bananas
get upset
Jump in the shower
take a shower very fast