The Church
What Happened
In Order

Psalm 84:1

“How lovely is your tabernacle, O LORD of hosts” (Psalm 84: 1).


Who were the parents of St.Mary?

Anna and Joachim


What shape is this church built as?

Shape of an Ark


What happened when the king was lost in the woods? What did he do? Why did he do it?

He did the sign of the cross and asked the Lord Jesus to save him.


In order, explain what God did each day in the seven days of creation

  • Day 1: God separated the light from the darkness 
  • Day 2: God created the sky with all its beautiful colors
  • Day 3: God created trees and plants 
  • Day 4: God created the sun, moon, and stars 
  • Day 5: God created the birds and the fish 
  • Day 6: God created animals and humans
  • Day 7: God rested 

Psalm 32:7

“You are my hiding place; You shall preserve me from trouble” (Psalm 32: 7)


Who was the Saint that was a nun?



Why do we build the church in a circle?

It represents the eternal nature of the church and through its union with our Lord, takes on an infinite and unlimited dimension.


What did the Holy Myron make St.Ananias and his family do?

They believed in Jesus and got baptized by St. Mark.


In order, tell me what happened to the blind man? What book in the Bible can we find this story?

One time, the Lord Jesus was walking with His disciples, and He saw a man who was born blind. This man sat on the ground and asked people to give him money. The Lord Jesus spat on the ground and made clay. He placed the clay where this man’s eyes should’ve been. Jesus told him to go wash his face in a nearby pool called Siloam. The blind man obeyed Jesus and as soon as he washed his face he was able to see! This story is found in John 9


What does the verse (Matthew 1:21) tell us?

an angel appeared to Joseph the carpenter in a dream and reassured him and told him the good news he told the Virgin Mary


What is another word for the creations of God being governed by a mysterious and wonderful system?



Where is the Baptistry located? What is it used for?

It is on our left side and on the northwestern side of the church. It is where Abouna baptizes the baby.


What happened to St. Joseph's staff? How else did the priest Zacheriah know he was chosen by God to take St.Mary in?

His staff started to sprout or grow plants. We also know he was chosen because a white dove landed on his head.


In order tell me what happened from when the king and queen's son got sick until the king was saved from the forest.

One day, the king’s son got very sick. All the doctors and magicians could not make him feel better. The queen asked Theognosta to pray for him because she saw her pray a lot to her God. Saint Theognosta prayed to our Lord to help and heal the boy. Our Lord heard her prayer and made him healthy again! The king thanked Theognosta and set her free, so she is not a slave anymore. He gave her a home by herself where she could pray. After a little while, the queen got sick. She asked Theognosta to pray for her. God answered her prayers, and the queen got better. The queen then told her husband they should trust and believe in the Lord Jesus that Theognosta worships. He was scared people might get angry. One day, the king went out hunting with his men in the woods. Suddenly, a dark cloud covered them, and a strong wind blew. The king then remembered St. Theognosta and how she always prayed to the Lord Jesus Christ and the Lord Jesus made her strong when she made the sign of the cross. The king cried out asking the Lord Jesus to save him, and immediately he saw the sign of the cross like a light in front of him. The sign of the cross guided them until they entered the city. 


Isaiah 45: 18 and what does it tell us?

“Who created the heavens, who is God, who formed the earth and made it” (Isaiah 45: 18)

God is unique in that He is the only Creator of all things


What are the three names that we give St.Mark? 

EXTRA: What is a fourth name that we give St.Mark?

The Pure Disciple; The Apostle; The Beholder of God

EXTRA:St.Mark the Evangelist


Why is the sacrament of Baptism important to us? Why do we get baptized?

It is like a new birth and when we get baptized, we become children of God and the sin of Adam and Eve, which we inherited, is cleansed.


What happened when St.Mark went to fix his sandals? 

Ananias hurt his finger and screamed out "Oh the Only God!" St.Mark then started to spread the teachings of Jesus around all of Egypt and ordained St.Ananias as the first bishop and also ordained 3 priests and 7 deacons.


Tell me the order of the Journey of St.Joseph and St.Mary throughout the story and why they moved to each place. (There are three places)

- moved from Nazareth to Bethlehem to register as ordered by Cesaer Agustus

- moved from Bethlehem to Egypt so that Baby Jesus was protected from Herod, who wanted to kill Him and killed all the babies 2 and under.

- After 3 or more years, they moved from Egypt back to Nazareth after it was safe to go back.


1 Corinthians 11:2 and what is its message?

“keep the traditions just as I delivered them to you” (1 Corinthians 11: 2)

it is our turn to keep the faith that was given to us by our forefathers and to teach it to others from generation to generation


St.Mark's Parents were ....

Mary and Aristopolos


What are the 3 things that we can find in the icon of "The Bosom of the Father" and what is special about the wall that it is on?

- Lamp of the East

- Shepherd's Staff


The wall is curved like a big hug which represents the love of the Father to us.


What happened in the stories of Joshua, and the man born blind shows us that God is the Pantocrator and Creator? Explain.

Joshua (Pantocrator):

-When the sun started to set, Joshua prayed to God and asked him to make the Sun stay up until the war was over. And by the power of God, he said, “Sun, stand still over Gibeon; And moon, in the Valley of Aijalon.” This meant that the sun would keep shining on the land of Gibeon all day and the moon would stay up in the Valley of Aijalon all day.

The man born blind (Creator): 

-The Lord Jesus spat on the ground and made clay. He placed the clay where this man’s eyes should’ve been. Jesus told him to go wash his face in a nearby pool called Siloam. The Lord Jesus was the only One who could create eyes for the man who was born blind. He created the eyes from dust just as He created Adam from dust because He is God the Creator. 


Tell me the order of the dates that we learned in each lesson:

1) annunciation

2)remembering St.Joseph

3)Feast of the Cross/when St.Theognosta passed

1) 29 Baramhat

2) 26 Abib

3) 17 Tout