This Mexican food comes with a hard or soft shell
What is a taco
This fast food place is the home of the whopper
What is burger king
Why did the phone get glasses
because she/he lost all her contacts
The sky is this color
What is the color blue
This cartoons is about the adventures of a blue cat, and orange fish.
What is the amazing world of gumball
This food comes with noodles and a sauce
What is Spaghetti
This fast food place is known for it's tacos, and Baja blast.
What is taco bell
Where do werewolves buy gifts
at beast buy
The grass is this color
What is the color green
This cartoon is about a yellow sponge and his starfish friend.
What is Spongbob Squarepants
This food comes from an animal and can be baked, grilled, or fried
What is chicken
This fast food place is known for it's fries
What should you wear to a tea party
a t-shirt
What colors are zebra's
What are the colors, Black and white
This cartoon is about a little boy named Timmy who met his odd parents.
This Italian food comes with a sauce, cheese, and sometimes pepperoni.
What is pizza
This fast food place is known for there chicken and DRY biscuits
What's a princess's favorite time?
Knight Time!
What is the color of a pepperoni
what is the color red
This cartoon is about a team who fights crime
What is teen titans
This food is basically potato strips
What is French fries
This fast food place is known for it's chicken sandwhiches
What is Chick-Fil-a
What kind of dance do frogs like
Hip Hop!
What are the colors of the rainbow
What are the colors red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet
What cartoon has a boy named Finn with his dog named jake
What is adventure time