I Walk the Line
What's Your Angle?
Point Me in the Right Direction
Lost in Transformation
Math Facts

Parallel lines share this property, just like ski hills.

What is slope?


Don't be dotish! You've definitely heard of angles like these, with degrees greater than 90.

What is obtuse?


Everybody needs a backstory! Skincare, Assassin's Creed, and this, the very middle of the coordinate plane.

What is the origin?


I'm not an interpreter, but you might have to be. This transformation is moving from one place to another but can also mean going from one language into another.

What is translation?


Let's get down to earth. This branch of math derives from the Greek word for "measuring land."

What is Geometry?


Lines that intersect at a right angle are called this, deriving from Latin for "plumb" line.

What is perpendicular?


Pies, pizzas, and Xboxes all share this number, which is the total number of degrees in a circle.

What is 360?


Talk about losing weight! Points have none of this property, which would make it very hard to buy them a pair of pants, shoes, or a t-shirt.

What is size?


The Ancient Greek figure Narcissus fell in love with this, which also describes the transformation of flipping a figure across an axis.

What is reflection?


The sky is the limit for you! This branch of math defines limits, derivatives, and the dreaded integral.

What is Calculus?


Don't be fooled! Even though we can see them clearly, lines don't have any of this, something it would be pretty gross for milk to be.

What is thickness?


Fahrenheit or Celsius? It doesn't matter for this type of measurement of angles, which derives from a part of a circle named very similarly.

What are radians?


Don't give up! This type of geometry foregoes points entirely, instead focusing on other geometric structures. Even though some think it LESS than other math, we still love it!

What is pointless?


Who you gonna call? This one's not even about math! This actor stars in Ghostbusters, Groundhog Day, and Lost in Translation, the movie this section is a play on. Groundhog Day even features a scene where he plays Jeopardy!

Who is Bill Murray?


Here's a tricky one for you. This number is the first above zero to have the letter "a" in it when written.

What is 1000?


It's not a piece of sunlight! This is just a line with one endpoint that extends infinitely in one direction.

What is a ray?


Opposites may attract, but what about for angles? The answer to this one is true for opposite angles of intersecting lines...

What is equal?


Hey wait, I thought transformations was in that other column?! This special type of point is one that doesn't move under certain types of transformations. I hope it didn't break this game of Jeopardy!

What is a fixed point?


Shapes that undergo three types of the four transformations are this, which means that they can be transformed together to meet at exactly the same point.

What is congruent?


Romans used their numerals primarily for prices and trading. As a result, they didn't have a symbol for negative numbers or this, a number invented in Mesopotemia in around 3 BC.

What is zero?


Formed by twisting a piece of paper on itself, this type of surface lets you draw a line in 3D space!

What is a Möbius strip?


I don't mean to digress, but that's the subject of this question! This angle comes between the radius of a circle and any tangent to that circle. I hope you don't get it wrong...

What is right?


I'm not too shallow, but points kindof are. The answer to this one is how much dimension they have. You may have to play some 4D chess for this one...

What is zero dimension?


This section is surely the weakest in math of them all! First directed by explosives-fanatic Michael Bay, this is the number of Transformers movies there have been since 2007.

What is 7?


It's been rumored that if you fold a piece of paper this many times, its thickness would become that of the observable universe. This number is also the 27th prime and takes about 51 seconds to count to, which is just a little bit longer than the timer for this question.

What is 103?