My son and I are both New Years babies.
Respect Independence Safety and Effort are the tenants of the COPESD Positive Behavior Intervention Supports initiative.
What is RISE?
This document informs parents of their child's and parents educational rights, and should be presented during the IEP meeting.
What are procedural safeguards?
January's Unit theme.
What is health and hygiene.
A law that makes available a free appropriate public education to eligible children with disabilities.
What is Individuals with Disabilities Act(IDEA)?
I love the T.V. shows "Love it or List it," and "Unsellable Houses." In fact, "I love watching Home Makeover Shows!"
Who is Sarah McGlynn?
True or False: Classroom staff are not to contact substitutes on their own.
Jimmy's mom wants him to have a 1:1 aide. It was considered but data shows that Jimmy does not require a 1:1 aid to be a successful student. What box/sections should this be noted in?
What is Option(s) and Other Factors Considered but Not Selected?
Lesson 17 Lesson 19A Lesson 16A
What is basic math lessons?
A child who gets special education should learn alongside general education peers as much as possible.
What is Least Restrictive Environment?
I started taking college course work when I was 15 years old and was able to graduate a year earlier.
Who is Caleigh Madej?
Communication ranging from: Visual Prompt>Verbal Prompt>Gestural Prompt>Modeling>Partial Physical Prompt>Full Physical Prompt
What is least invasive to most invasive?
Baseline data for IEP goals and objectives should come directly from this portion of the IEP document.
What is Present Level of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance?
Bi monthly pre and post curriculum based assessments?
What are check points?
Free (at no cost to the parent) Appropriate (IEPs outline a program for students to meet their unique needs) Public (students have the same rights attend public schools as all children).
What is FAPE?
I once climbed up a 12,168 ft Mountain, and then skied down it.
Who is Tyson Eustace?
Communication with symbols + spelling (broad expressive ability)
Word Study (Key Words + Word Wall + Making Words + Phonics)
Guided Reading (Reading Comprehension)
Self-Directed Reading
Independent Writing w/AAC if needed
What is Conventional?
Due to Jimmy's ASD, he requires the use of a individual/personal visual schedule to guide him through his day. This is noted in this section of the IEP document.
What is supplementary aids and services?
Comprehensive assessment that covers a wide range of academic skills.
The amount of qualifying eligibilities for special education in the state of Michigan. Bonus: Can you name all of them.
I just got hired to coach the Northern Michigan special Olympics swim team.
Who is Joan Tijonen?
Symbol-based Communication (with few exceptions)
Alphabet & Phonological Awareness
Shared (Interactive) Reading
Self-Directed Reading
Independent Writing with access to full alphabet
Predictable Chart Writing
What is Emergent?
True or False: When families and schools do not agree on the IEP, the parents demands take precedence.
True or False: The COPESD handbook states that all COP classrooms should be utilizing ULS unit lessons classroom instruction.
Least Restrictive Environment Continuum