Window of Tolerance/Coping
Assertive Communication

What does TIPPs Stand For? 

Intense Exercise
Progressive Muscle Relaxation
Paced Breathing


What does it mean to be dysregulated? What do we do when we're feeling this way?

We're starting to feel out of control emotionally, like it's hard to do what we need to do, solve problems that come up. We can use our coping skills when we start to feel this way.


What is Assertive Communication?

Communicating in a way that takes into account both yourself and the other person. 


What does FAST stand for?



Stick to values



What is ROSE

A prickly bush or shrub that typically bears red, pink, yellow, or white fragrant flowers, native to north temperate regions. Numerous hybrids and cultivars have been developed and are widely grown as ornamentals.


When do we use TIPPs skills?

When we have heightened emotions to help ground us. Or when our Emotional Mind starts taking control and you want to move it towards Wise mind. 


What are some things you might feel if you're out of your window of tolerance and hypoactivated?

Numb, zoned out, sad, exhausted. Might want to shut down, freeze


What is one downside to using passive communication?

You ignore your own needs, preferences, or opinions.


Describe what Fair and Apologize mean

Fair: To be fair to both you and the other person. This includes both your thoughts and your actions. Make sure to validate your own feelings and wants as well as the other persons. 

Apologize: Sorry,Don't over-apologize or invalidate valid thoughts and feelings. This doesn't mean you never apologize- apologizing can be incredibly powerful in relationships, Sorry. Sorry, However, you don't need to apologize when you haven't done anything wrong. 


You say, "I'm fine." List three other things you might actually feel or think in your head.

I feel that! 


Give an example of a T and I in the TIPPs. Try and give an example that we didn’t go over in group.

Those Answers are Fire! 


What are some things you might feel if you're outside your window of tolerance and hyperactivated?

Angry, anxious, out of control. Might want to run away or fight


When someone asserts their needs in a defensive, hostile, or demanding way, they are utilizing ____________ communication.



Describe what Stick to Values and Truthful mean

Stick to Values: Stick to your own values by being honest about them and acting in ways that reflect them. If you are not sure what you believe in, do some self-examination to determine your values. 

Truthful: Be honest with yourself and others. Don't lie, act helpless, exaggerate, minimize, or make up excuses. Are your words true and do they match the facts? -Abe Lincoln


Why is it important for us to say what we mean?

So we can be clear and direct, allow other people to help us, find ways to get our needs met, etc.


Lead the group in a Paced Breathing Exercise

Wow, This must be why T.Swift made a song called "Breathe" 


What can we do to expand our window of tolerance?

Practice mindfulness, use our coping skills, ask for help.


Name a hurdle of Assertive Communication you have experienced. How did you overcome that hurdle or if you didn't how would you overcome that hurdle?

Look at you soaring over that hurdle!


When do we use our FAST skills?

When we communicate. Especially when we are communicating assertively!

What does it mean when we say, "you can't pour from an empty cup?"

If we don't take care of ourselves, we become drained, and we can't give to ourselves or anyone else. We can use our self-care skills to refill our cup so feel happier, can give more to those we care about, and treat ourselves with respect.


Lead the Group in a Progressive Muscle Relaxation.

Muscle progress = Relaxed! 


What do we mean when we say our "window of tolerance"? How do we feel when we're in this window?

This is the mental place where we can often function our best, solve problems. This is when we feel good, calm, alert, and in control.


You and a peer (peer gets points too) roleplay the following scenario: 

You had a rough day and are looking forward to using the iPad with the headphones to listen to your favorite artist dropping their new album. Your peer signed up to use the Headphones first and asks "Does anyone else want to use the headphones?" Role-play this scenario with the partner using assertive communication to ask for a turn with the headphones. 

That role-play was like Music to my ears! 

You want a new swing set for the courtyard. Sagamore says that it’s too expensive. Advocate for the swing set using all the FAST skills.

Way to Swing into Action! 


List 3 of your values and explain why they are important to you. 

Those are very............
