Helpful or Unhelpful
Good choice/
Bad Choice
What should I do?
True or False
Coping Skills

What makes a coping skill unhealthy?

When it is unhelpful, unsafe, or hurtful to yourself or others.


Miguel is having a hard time concentrating and sleeping after breaking after his partner broke up with him, so he decides to speak to a therapist at the Counseling and Wellness Center. Good choice or bad choice? 

Good choice. We all go through things. It is ok to reach out for support if you need it.


I have a question about my major. Who should I talk to?

Speak to your student success advisor (SSA)

Healthy coping skills can help people deal with difficult situations.



What is a coping skill?

An activity or skill you use to calm down, feel happier, and/or take care of yourself.


When feeling overwhelmed, I stop going to class because it stresses me out.

This is unhelpful. Missing class will result in you falling further behind and make you feel even more overwhelmed.


I feel sad so I write about my thoughts and feelings. Good choice or not so good choice?

Good choice. Journaling is a healthy way to get your thoughts and feelings out.


Money is tight so I don't have a lot of food at home. What should I do?

Go to the Connect Center. They have a Grizzly Pantry which provides food, clothing and personal essentials.


Coping skills help you get through hard days.

True- coping skills help you feel calmer, happier, and stronger.


Share a healthy coping skill that you find the most helpful

Answers Vary. Common are: Taking a break, coloring, talking it out, deep breathes


You are upset with a classmate, so you talk about them behind their back and tell other students not to talk to them. Is this helpful or unhelpful?

Unhelpful. Taking that approach does not resolve the issue and can lead to more issues.


I am upset because I got a bad grade on my quiz so I walk out in the middle of class and slam the door. Is this a good choice or a not so good choice?

Bad choice. It would be ok for feel upset or disappointed by getting a bad grade but it would not be okay to disrupt the class. What could you do instead?


How often should students check their Guttman email? (daily, weekly, monthly, or never)

Daily. Professors and staff regularly share important information with students via email.


People all use the same coping skills.

False- everyone has different coping skills that are helpful to them. What one student finds helpful may not be helpful to another.


Share a time where you used a healthy/helpful coping coping skill at school

Answers Vary


I am annoyed so I ignore everyone who tries to talk to me.

Both. Sometimes we need time to process our feelings before responding to people. While it's better to not engage than to lash out, it would be more helpful to let people know you need space rather than ignoring them.


I don't understand something my professor taught in class, so I go to their office hours. Good choice or bad choice?

Great choice! Using office hours to get clarification about a topic or concept is a great way to get the support you need.


My friend has been depressed and is missing classes. What should I do?

Bring them to the Counseling and Wellness Center or submit a referral so someone from the Counseling and Wellness can follow up with them (


Fighting is a healthy coping skill

False- Fighting escalates the problem instead of making it better. Can you think of something else you could do when angry?


What coping skill have you used you found unhelpful and why?

Answers Vary. Every one is different. A skill that works for some of us may not help for all of us


Ashley was anxious during math class. Her friend Mark asked her what was wrong? She said, "mind your business, you're being annoying." Was this a helpful/non helpful?

Unhelpful. Lashing out and pushing people away does not help with your anxiety.


You have a statistics test on Wednesday and you start studying Tuesday night. Good choice or bad choice?

Bad choice. Waiting to the last-minute increase your stress and you are not likely to retain all of the information you need to know for the test.


I got extra help in high school because I had an IEP. What do I do now that I'm at Guttman?

Speak with someone in the Office of AccessABILITY


Crying is a sign of weakness.

False- crying is a healthy way to deal with strong feelings, as long as it isn't happening too often each day


Share a time you helped a friend use their coping skills

Answers Vary