Healthy Coping Skills
Unhealthy Coping Skills
What works for you
True or False
How Would You Handle It?

If you feel like you have a lot of energy what can you do to release it?

What is...Exercise, throw a ball around, etc.


How can sleep be an unhealthy coping skill?

What is...too much or too little is not healthy for our bodies or minds.


Name a healthy coping skill you like to use when you are feeling sad or lonely

 varied responses


Coping skills are only used to relax you.

What is...False.


You are playing a board game and you notice your friend is cheating, how would you handle it?

What is...telling the friend you don't appreciate that and will not play a game with her again (Other answers accepted)


A coping skill that can help relax you...

What is...deep breathing, mediation, yoga, shower, sleep, etc.


When angry it is possible that you use this unhealthy coping skill.

What is...physical fights, destroying items, etc.


Name a healthy coping skill you like to use when you are feeling anxious

answers vary


Everybody has the same coping skills.

What is...false.


You are sitting in class focusing on your work and can't help but notice someone is tapping their pencil really loud, how would you handle this?

What is...using healthy coping skills to decrease your frustration, asking the person politely to stop, asking the teacher to address your peer, etc.  


If you are feeling overwhelmed and alone, what can you do?

What to someone, write your feelings, etc.

This is an unhealthy coping skill to use when feeling depressed.

What is...self harm, negative self talk, etc.


Name a healthy coping skill you like to use when you are feeling angry

answers vary


Coping skills are like a habit, it takes time.

What is...true.


Your little brother was running around and unplugged the tv by accident shutting off your favorite TV show/while you were in the middle of a video game. How would you handle this?

What is...using coping skills to relax you, educating your brother to be careful, etc.


True or false: Exercising can release chemicals in your brain which help improve your mood. 



____is the opposite of expressing your feelings and talking to someone.

What is...holding in feelings.


Name a healthy coping skill you like to use when you have too much energy

answers vary


Taking deep breaths to calm your body is an example of a healthy coping skill. 



A peer at school keeps saying negative things about another student at school who is your friend,  how would you handle this?

What to that peer about how it bothers you, use healthy coping skills, etc.


How do you know that a coping skill you are using is healthy?

What is...they don't hurt me, others, property or break rules/laws.


You get into an argument with your family and do not want to be there anymore, what is an unhealthy coping skill you should not use?

What is...running away, yelling at family, etc.


What is your favorite healthy coping skill to use and when do you use it 

answers will vary


Self care is selfish.

What is...false.


You feel upset because you broke your mom's favorite mug  when you were angry earlier, how would you handle this?

What is...talking/apologizing to her and letting her know what you are upset with what you did, write your feelings down, remember your coping skills to use, etc.